SPL Phonitor XE

My Fostex T50RPs disagree. :stuck_out_tongue:

Really? You can’t run those off an Atom??!?

You can, but more power is always appreciated lol

It’s more than enough. Half volume at high gain is loud. But it’s on loud songs. Non-normalized songs would need more than that, and after 3/4 there’s noise.

So I’d say 1 watt is ok for everyone for T50RPs (even if you sometimes listen to “audiophile” songs using half the audio volume “space”). But not “overpowered”. If low gain equals more or less 500mw, this wouldn’t be enough for T50RPs, lol.


Just apply my rule and just say no the T50RP’s I have a pair, but I really don’t like them.

I love mine lol.
Stock? Treble murder. Shure 840 pads mandatory. They become bass cannons.

Try just turning the foam. These become… completely different after that.

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I don’t have an issue with the treble the issue to me is in the bass to midrange transition, there’s is some sort of obvious transition which I feel makes the whole headphone sound incoherent.
Obviously other people disagree.

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let me tell you one thing… I thought about it in some “all is dark” hours :wink:

since I have the RME ADI 2 … I´m more listening to music and do less research on forums or youtube …
not that I would have reached a endgame - don´t believe in this for 99% of people and sure not for me never ever …ever

for me it´s more of a “egg or chicken” situation in the next months

with the RME ADI 2 fs (4493) + ifi xDSD + THX AAA 789(may drop came in september) and all my easy to drive headphones…
I see no point, get me a RNHP which might sound “more musical” …it would be a sidegrade and pull me back from earlier getting a real(SPL P Xe) upgrade so I just add a tube amp in the next months

when I get my SPL Phonitor XE at the end of 2020, I believe somehow I need a hard to drive headphone like the HEDDphone - just for example -(maybe in august this year) to justify the amp purchase - wonder now if the THX AAA 789 will drive it ok-ish or the SPL has to be bought first

the ifi xDSD is already so “musical” in my humble opinion, so the RNHP becomes obsolete(for me) - you can´t get them all (without using send back policys like a cheap out asshole) and if you try it the nice way, you never reach your “higher” goals. There will always be something tempting on the way…

right after my RME ADI 2 purchase a few weeks ago, I read a review and the comparison with the Biftrost 2 … wow and it got me thinking - I confess. Again the DACs are different and one has the features I wanted the last 1.5 years and the other is maybe a touch nicer to listen to - so what(not very audiophile I know)

and it can be, I wake up one morning and get me the Bifrost 2 or the RNHP and tell you all: “who is interested in my words from yesterday” - which is more of a one to one translation of a german phrase… hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

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They’re the easiest to mod. Just moving the foam makes an impressive, enormous difference. Might fix yours. :man_shrugging:

The rumor about M0N being a Neve is confirmed.

It’s Michael 0. Neve, isn’t it?


Ok, I have officially joined the gang here and sporting a nice red SPL Phonitor X, and yes I seriously bought it just because it was red, I like the red equipment, matches my mood, I’m a happy fucking guy :heart_eyes:

What’s the trick to getting a remote to mate up w/ it? I’m trying to follow the instructions but not getting it to work.


I just hit the button on back (it should click) (Not a press a hold, just a simple press) and the volume knob should zero itself out. After that, just keep hitting volume down a few times, until the red light blinks, then hit volume up a few times until it blinks again. Should be good after that.


How are you liking the Phonitor?

Love it so far, I’m annoyed that I can’t get it to mate up to a remote, but. that’s just annoyance and not a need.
I can’t figure out which DAC model is in this one, my understanding is that there are different models of DAC available. Any idea on that?

I’m comparing it to my Sugden Headmaster, which is the cleanest most musical amp I own but I can’t comment yet.
It’s an easy improvement over my LS, and BasX in clarity and detail, that’s apparent immediately. Not so much over the Exogal Comet and Sudden tho, that will take some time to play with.
To be very fair though the headphones I am using with it are barely mid-fi quality and I don’t expect any of them to shine like superstars all of a sudden.

I already bumped up 1 dip switch to boost output by 12db, I immediately found it underpowered upon initial test, but I think i listen louder than most folks…I don’t know, I’ve been spoiled by all the powerhouses here surrounding it.

I need more time with it, of course initial impressions are of adoration and wow! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lol. Michael Zero Neve!

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I think you can tell by the maximum reported bit rate.
I think the X only supports the DAC192 not the newer DAC768


how much did it cost you nick? did you get a deal on it?

Just under $1300 shipped, and i have 48hrs to return it if anything on it is broken. Truth is i don’t want money back, i simply really want this thing to work well :muscle: i’m gonna try and get as much time with it as possible but being valentines weekend i promised the GF i would pay attention to her and so i only have s short while to figure out if this thing has issues or not. That’s the risk you always take with other people’s used stuff…

Edit: Well, everything on it seems to work. I’m so very happy, I was really worried about this particular purchase, I don’t like buying stuff without original boxes and paperwork, worries me about how well it was cared for… The only thing I can’t get it to do is mate up with a remote but I only tried one oldie. I’ll find another spare and try that later.


That’s a good deal. I agree gear with boxes and paperwork seems like it has been cherished more.


I’m not sure and it really doesn’t matter but I was curious. The website says the current X comes with the 768xs DAC, but the manual section shows another version that comes with the DAC192 too… :thinking: