SPL Phonitor XE

Well I’d imagine it to be so since the effects are integrated in a more analog fashion rather than being a digital DSP effect.

Also Found a pic of the inside of the 2, super duper clean and easy to navigate internally. I really like the look of this amp. Also the fact that I could use a remote with this because of the motorized pot is nifty, although since the amp will be pretty close to me I don’t think I’ll mind, but a neat feature nevertheless <-- (This a real word, like all together and stuff, huh?)


The traces are so THICCCC! lol

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The headphone output should be the same, minus features like VU meters, and advanced crossover.

But those VU… :heart_eyes:


ikr? Also since the amp is so clean and uses easy to solder parts I could probably keep this thing running for quite a while, makes me glad since that means I’ll never have to worry about it breaking some day with no repair. Oh also the VUs have buffers which mean besides the looks, they shouldn’t interfere with the audio in any noticeable way. So stylish AND effective.


You know, this has been the best indicator to me about the quality of the RNHP over the 789. A/B testing was somewhat conclusive, but the fact that I hear more “love” in the RNHP was what made me excited about new amps…and resulted in my Phonitor E buy.

Which, coming from somebody with a data centric, science based career is saying something.


I feel like pointing out the rnhp to some has caused them to spend more money then they were planning to lol


Has for me…and I appreciate it!!!:grin::blush:

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I couldn’t be happier with the Phonitor, so no harm done. lol



It is for sure, although I think of it more than a gateway lol

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For sure. It’s my only amp at the moment, and I’m good.

I’m actually gonna be ordering another for my computer setup. I previously returned one (I had two) because of the Fidelice announcement, but it didn’t make sense to replace the RNHP with a re-cased version for more than double the price.

These will do till I save for the Phonitor.

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how does this phonitor amp compare to the cayin iHA-6 that’s been brought up a bunch?

Holy crap! A gateway to what? :joy::joy:

A dumb question of course… there’s always more. But what would an example be?

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Hmmm, the iha6 is a more meaty amp. It’s got more oomph for harder to power headphones. I think the e is more transparent and resolving (but it should be for the price), but with some current hungry headphones the iha6 may pull ahead


The Phonitor is probably where you “top out” in pro-sumer gear (SPL, RME, and Rupert Neve Designs are the best example I can think of), which is what I tend to lean towards.

I think that in order to gain any sonic improvements, you’d have to step into “audiophile (gag)” territory.

Maybe something like a Chord Dave, or a dCS Bartók. But those are dac/amps, which some feel is the best solution for a pure audio chain.

I’m not sure what would be better as a reference amp. Maybe the Benchmark HPA4?



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Well, I thought the linear tube amp I got and the gsx mk2 sounded better to my ears than the spl totl imo. I think that paired with a great dac is where you top out, and to go higher as you say the dave and stuff like that gets pretty unreasonable (although I shouldn’t be the one here speaking about reasonable vs unreasonable)


Says the one who’s tried everything! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think it’s safe to say that if you have a Phonitor, you’re in the top tier sonically.

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I’d like to own the gsx mk2 one day after I have an established harem of headphones.

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Yeah, I’d like to try the TOTL Headamp… but hard to imagine the jump would be worthwhile for an extra $2k… given the Phonitor was only $1100.