šŸ”¶ TANCHJIM Oxygen

This. If I want that detail, that is what the zen or timeless are for. If the zen tuning was closer to the oxygen, it wouldnā€™t be close. But itā€™s not.

Really quite good. Going to compare it more extensively over the next week. But it stands on its own quite well.


Theyā€™re inā€¦ :+1::sunglasses:

The Tea cable has finally found a match (for now)ā€¦ :upside_down_face:

Sorry for the bad shotsā€¦ :wink:


The oxygen are really small and light. This creates a situation where they donā€™t feel very firmly in place. And stiffer tips really can push them out. Even the grippy tips like cp100 plus and crystal donā€™t really help grip the same way. While they are extremely comfortable, I have found getting a firm insertion that doesnā€™t feel loose is hard. The seal is fine but it feels like they are constantly in danger of falling out.

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The longest and grippiest eartips I have are reversed KZ starlines. Do you have those by any chance?


I personally donā€™t have any issues at all with CP100ā€™sā€¦ :wink:

The IEMs are really light as Dynamic mentioned and to me they donā€™t feel like theyā€™re falling out.

Might also have to do with the cable Iā€™m using? It holds them quite well in place.

YMMV of courseā€¦ :slight_smile:

EDIT: I just realized itā€™s CP145ā€™s (M) Iā€™m using! :smiley:


I use the AZLA SednaEarfitLight for tips. I do not have issues with them falling out of my ear.

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Nope. Donā€™t know what those are.

They donā€™t actually fall out. Or they havenā€™t yet anyway.

But they donā€™t have that ā€œinserted properlyā€ feeling ever either. Itā€™s like they are hovering in my ears.

Itā€™s really comfortable but also awkward because no other IEM fits like this for me. Itā€™s like they are not there.

Maybe they are the only IEM that really fits me well? ;p

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KZ Starline are tips that come with some KZ iems. There is a mod to reverse them. They become super soft and grippy a little bit like CP100 but wider bore and are very comfortable


The flip tip.

You can do that with a lot of narrow bore tips to create a wide bore tip.


I have flipped tips before. Canā€™t remember which but it was early days with the dunu zen. (might have been a stock tip for them)

The oxygen are just weird because they work with cp100+ SS (just got them) all the way up to XL and still have that floaty feeling.

Anyway, itā€™s just odd. Just about every tip works. Maybe I am not used to IEMs actually fitting in my ears.

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I get that with the BL-05s that has super short nozzle so I have to use larger tips and they donā€™t feel that they are in my ear at all and float. In the end if the seal is good they sound good and they are super comfy.

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Now waiting to receive my O2 so weā€™ll see how they compare for wise


Received the O2 today. I donā€™t have any pictures because I wouldnā€™t take them out of my ears. Since they are supposed to be the king for acoustic music I listened to my favorite classical/baroque and they are amazing.
Then o switched to some Techno and toy surprise they are great at that too. They more analytical than fun but still a good listen.
For my library they are super versatile.


Nice! Did you get yours during 11.11 sales too? Iā€™m still waiting for mine to clear customs :sob::sob:

Also, people mentioned that the Oxygen 2-pin connectors have reversed polarityā€¦which means any third party cable will need to be inverted before being connected. Does it impact the sound at all if you donā€™t reverse the polarity?

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I did with Express shipping. I hope you like it as well.

I didnā€™t know about this. Iā€™ll have to check tonight. I hope that not the case because I ordered a cable on Linsoul.


Iā€™ll have to verify this today with a multimeter.

Iā€™m using a third party cable and nothing seems ā€œoffā€ as mentioned in PM.

EDIT: Verifiedā€¦ :slight_smile:

Seems to be standard to me. Tip is left +, ring is right + and sleeve is ground. On the IEM end this translates to the + being the one with the dot (blue or red) being the one at the bottom when worn (i.e. ground is the one on top).

Iā€™ve tested a few other cables including the one Iā€™m using (from the Teas) and NiceHCK one and theyā€™re the same on the IEM end (both are TRRS though).


Many thanks for checking! Maybe Tanchjim fixed thisā€¦ From what Iā€™ve seen on head fi, at one point they did acknowledge that the polarities were reversed. Glad to hear that the polarities are normal as I purchased an upgrade cable just for the Oxygen :sweat_smile:


I need to bite on this. If these are analytical, what are your fun IEMs? Or headphones.

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To be clear, this was when listening to Techno like Extrawelt. I like bass but it needs to be clean. Right now my fun IEM are Tape Pro modded with tuning foam and the Sora Light modded with the vent under the tips + Final ear hook.

Before this I had the Final E2000 (too warm but good SS) and the BL-05s (slow bass + bass bleed makes it boomy and muddy).

Iā€™ve progressed pretty slowly but I have recently purchased more IEMs with different sound signature to figure what I like.
I have been doing A/B testing of my IEMs lately listening to various music genre I have on my music library. Itā€™s been very helpful to me. For example, I liked the bass on the BL-05s before, but listening back to back with the Sora, I realized that the bass quantity was there but the quality was lacking. I found it slow, boomy and with bass bleed. Overall the sound was too warm on the Blon and also less detailed than Sora.

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Iā€™ve asked on Discord and i got the same answer. Shouldnā€™t be a problem. Donā€™t trust everything you read on Head-Fi

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