The DEALS thread

I was looking for a used version on ebay. the k7xx is there for 80$ the k702 is selling for 150$ Since the K7xx is based off the k702 its curious that its selling for a higher price used

I mean, I like it personally. Just not that bright sounding lol

Instant 5% off coupon applied at checkout. Not sure how long it will last.


sorry jk nvm

People here usually like at least 30% off.

You get a purchase on the k7xx or k702? When you going to take the plunge at a T1 or 1990?

Well Sivga just came out with the Phoenix headphone. it boasts interesting new tech. so i’ll probably get that first. and if a new headphone comes out after that i might get that. depends what comes out or goes on sale. Also i haven’t gotten the Tygr yet. im very interested in hearing that. I’m really not liking expensive headphones these days. more into the cheaper offerings. they can play more and you get more V shaped exciting headphones :yum:

I normally wouldn’t list an item with such a low discount, but it’s a brand new item so I just posted in case someone out there wanted to jump on it early. I almost purchased, but I have a feeling the Fidelio X3’s are releasing soon and that’s the one headphone I’ve been looking forward to the most.


Hey you know what? your right Chocolate bear. I think discounts even at 5% are valid for this thread. I wonder who came up with that idea that it needs to at least be 30% off?

haven’t looked into this “new tech”. sounds interesting at least

Honestly, waiting for the new philips headphones to land… I loved my shp9500 and x2 fidelios so I can’t wait to see what the 9600 and x3 are like. Real excited for those. Tygr did replace my fidelios but only cause the bass wasn’t as good and more muddy which I felt the tygr just sounded better and have an overall better more crisp presentation to it.

That ones a keeper for me… I am hard pressed to even remotely consider getting rid of that… at $200 I was incredibly impressed for a “gaming” based headphone to out place my fidelios and generally other warm headphones.

I tend to budget at around $500 maximum… depending on what I feel like going with. Any higher and I feel I am investing to much in a singular item as someone who doesn’t have a studio or is mixing and mastering.

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Oh you know, just… a popular request voted by the community.

Please use the amazon/drop deals thread for these.


I really dont feel that was a fair poll. i think it was skewed and biased. I would like to know of a good deal and not have to look into a minor deals thread AND a major deals thread. whole thing seems unessesary.

To each their own but most people here feel like the opposite so :man_shrugging:


technically you could make your own poll. that should be unbiased, unskewed and not dark.


Some people couldn’t afford to buy a clue if they were free of charge.


you and me both!.. hoping for august but covid may have delayed production… I guess we will see :crossed_fingers:


yeah same here. they look really interesting

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This bring back the Saturday morning cartoon feels for anyone else…

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what’s all the excitement for the X3’s?

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