šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

Thereā€™s a hbb discord? Lol

Can someone link?

Yes but it is invite only. Weā€™re not allowed.

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Iā€™d fricking buy this colorway in a heartbeat!!!


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Wow!! :heart_eyes: These look gorgeous!!!

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That looks fantastic.

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Looked at radius to get in America to me was 30 or more a pair Then still have no idea if I would like them


Ooooh Calyx M owner!! :two_hearts: :raised_hands:

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That episode was classic.
I can send discord invites later.
Iā€™m here more than there actually but great group of folks over there

how does one weasel their way into that invite list? iā€™m trying to peep the chaos.

right here

Be careful stare too long into the abyss and the abyss starts to stare back in to you.

Yeah I just saw that. I donā€™t know the story of why HBB was banned there but seems rather ridiculous that the forum would also ban all discussion on an IEM he created. Likeā€¦ just lolā€¦


Welcome to hfgf :slight_smile: great to see you here! Enjoy your stay!

As you will see, if you donā€™t know already, Iā€™m here for the music (and to scratch the addiction). Couldnā€™t care less about ā€œpoliticsā€ or drama.

Sure, HBB was banned there. I donā€™t care. Mele is good and, in my opinion, a new benchmark, and for that, I care. Thatā€™s why we are here. Thatā€™s ehy that thread existed.

I didnt over-hype it, I hate hype trains. In my opinion, I under-hyped it. Itā€™s much better than I painted it anywhere , so I think people should try it. But I donā€™t believe in hypes. Good sets always surface and speak for themselves. Also I have no business in anyones money.

And no, I donā€™t have affiliations with HBB and Linsoul. Iā€™ve been here for 3 or 4 months.

Music is the only thing that matters.


Music talk :notes::notes:

Liquid gold on Mele. Try it when you get your set.

Also check 4:32 to 4:48. Kick drum fighting with bass guitar for frequency bandwidth. Stuff gets busy. Mele doesnt care bout that and the sub bass slap you.


Would love a comparison with the fdx1 if you could!


Listening on Deezer HiFi, BTR5 and MH1 it sounds amazing as well. Not congested at all. Great slapping. Need better examples! :yum:

My Mele just arrived, amazingly fast considering I chose the standard shipping option and Iā€™m half the world away in the UK.

Really nice, quality feel, love the looks.

Mele with the Jelly cable and Spinfit CP100

Just spent an hour listing to Disturbed and Billy Eilish and absolutely love it. They have decent slam and non fatiguing treble. A real musical treat to listen to.





Oh man. Gold. Must. Get. It. :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: