🔶 Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

Welcome to hfgf and congratz!!

Gold looks sick. Chime in your first impressions when when you feel like to! Looking forward to them!

Pretty sure @Resolution already gave his first impressions against the moondrop line. Here

Yeah, I recall reading his assessment comparing to the moondrop line, of course still nice to hear more impressions and feedback

Also on a side note, ETA of the Tea to the shop is about 2nd week of September so hopefully I can demo them this time since it seems like they were only able to get 3 units again because apparently there’s a shortage(???)

Quick, rambled comparison between those 2 while listening to zz top and curtis mayfield among other stuff. Disclaimer of course: I’m a noob at this and everyone listens differently, etc etc. (edit- using stock cable, jvc spiral dots, apple music lossless and hidizs s8 if anyone is wondering.)

  • mele has more recessed/relaxed treble, which is the most immediately recognizable difference. basically no harshness anywhere but may come off as less detailed if you’re used to lots of high freqs.
  • mele staging is closer in terms of L/R but has more precise instrument placement and better depth (relevant example is the guitars & vocals in sharp dressed man)
  • mele handles male vocals outright better than aria. also slap bass sounds killer.
  • aria can’t reproduce that almost-in-your-chest thump for those <60 hz freqs but mele definitely can… at the expense of having a bit less definition/speed in my own experience.

Mele is a slammer.

Brother from another mother. Thanks for the quick impressions @SWB!


Let’s design our perfect Mele faceplate!


Are you sure you dont want another job? :smirk:

So much skils


ok, that gif is creepy.


Maybe a nice design would be full gold metal shell with black carbon fiber :fire::fire:

Or a full back with xenns up colors on the plate.

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This is the one I want. With this shell pattern, it’s like you want to pour honey in our ears.


Damn… Insta buy

It would pass pretty well with my Calyx M, which I will use with the Mele in approx. 10 days. I initially planned to use the Penon PAC480 cable with the IEMs, but I rather will use a Satin Hyperion Silver Cable.

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Very pretty also, but the previous one was even better. I dare asking: Lava red for the faceplate and gunmetal for the shell? Thanks :sweat_smile:

Holy crap @Resolution your photo editing skills are insane, especially with how fast you’re tossing these up and how clean they are. :scream:

I would pay like an extra $20 to get a mat black shell with a swirling purple/black faceplate.

HBB, convince Trippowin to do customs. I need these in my life now. :heart_eyes:


What might have been???


Welcome to hfgf :slight_smile:

ha ha, just having some fun. Waiting around for work at real work.

Ty! Been lurking over here for a bit and in the HBB discord for a good while. Great community there and looks like here too! :slight_smile:

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