🔶 Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

Maybe a niche and not music, but these do fantastically well watching Netflix movies using dolby atmos for headphones. It creates quite a convincing bi-aural simulation, feels like being in the center of a iMAX cinema.


Another member of Team Black


Testing some stuff on Mele per people request and I found something interesting that the bassheads around here might enjoy!

Mele seems to respond well to EQ on the bass area. Managed to squish +10db @ 50hz with minimal distortion, turning it into a walking (sub)woofer. Pretty sure this will pair very well with xbass switch amps.

Gonna be interesting to see people who know what they are doing it experimenting with it.


I EQ everything and this will be no different, glad to hear the low end takes to it well. I’ll give it some serious listening in stock form so I can appreciate the tuning effort that went into it… then I’m gonna fuck with everything.


keep in mind I didn’t touch mid or highs, this experiment was just with sub-bass and I’m a PEQ noob. But I think it might be cool to people that like to mess up with this stuff to know :slight_smile:

50 bucks :man_shrugging:

Hey @nymz did you get a chance to test the Mele with the Xelastec and Crystal eartips?

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Not yet, sorry.

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I’m thinking on buying mele for my friend as a birthday present instead for myself. She listens mainly to kpop like I do. She’s currently using my Fiio FH3 but I was thinking on getting something that can make it her own. I’m assuming it’s a good replacement?


I want to join Team Blue :grinning:

I will have to patiently wait for those.


Imo, at 50 bucks, it’s very hard to beat as an option :slight_smile:

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From looking at the likes and your opinions and impressions so far, sounds like a no brainer haha.

She’s more into bassy sound than I do so I guess that works.


Does Mele’s DD have the same bass characteristics as the best examples of beryllium DD’s? That springy, tight bounce is what I’m looking for.

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Bassy is middle name of the set. In a good way, non bloated untextured bass. It’s a slammer.

My rec tiers are pretty simple:

  • 50 usd - Mele
  • 300 usd - Teas. Oxygen is sweet to keep the single DD style. Gonna grab it soon thanks to Mele.
  • 500+usd - Find the tribid that best suits you. Prolly Variations/Oracle/UP for cost to performance ratio.

For the price maybe not. Beryllium is not always good, it depends on the setting. I have an FH7 and they are the only headphones from my collection that I want to sell!


It got some of that caracheristics, sure, but you wont beat pure/coat without the same type of driver.

Only bery I owned was FD5. Sure, bass as ressemblances, but FD5 is better technically. Hard to beat on that. But thats not everything. The tuning is priceless.

Would I take fd5 over Mele? Hell no. Same reason I returned my FD5 but I’m here taking my time to explain how Mele works and how it will be in my collection.

Friendly reminder that this is a 150 usd set that comes with a 50 usd price tag. It’s not a giant killer, but its not competing in sub 100 range, in my opinion. Want top bery bass without caring about the rest? Xenns up :slight_smile:


She’s a casual listener so she won’t be getting anything more than a 150USD set. She came from her airpods to using my FH3 and she could tell the difference in sound.

I’ve been eyeing on the Variations for quite a while, but now that I see there’s a new single DD fiio iem and also a new Moondrop iem coming out soon, I’m gonna see how that goes. If none are up to par to the Variations or it’s only a slight upgrade from my FD5, I’ll be getting the Variations.

Unless you can do a comparison of the FD5 and Variations if you remembered the FD5 sounding by memory haha. I would be grateful if you do and you know the music genre I listen to.

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Received the Mele today, and I’ve only had about an hour of listening done thus far.

In this hobby, it is the best 50 bucks I’ve spent. Very impressed by what you’ve brought to the market (and us hobbyists) here @hawaiibadboy, thank you. I’d be very keen to see what comes next if you choose to impart your talents on another set (perhaps in the 300 dollar range :thinking:).

Gonna be fun to put the Mele through its paces the next couple of days…


:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

Yap. So far, best bang for bucks on this Hobby (in my opinion) are Mele(50$)/Blon Bl-03(26$), Apple dongle (8$), Yincrow X6 (8$).

Oh and Teas (300$). Good luck finding a 1 to 1 upgrade :rofl: