šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

I have two little screaming reasons why DAP wouldnā€™t work for me anyway. They would either destroy it or pull headphones out of my ears :smile:

Arrived in country and still 2 weeks maybe? That is a big country!! :open_mouth:

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Btr5 hidden under shirt passing the cable. Im selling mine since I dont do bt much anymore.

Weā€™re thinking about adopting a french bulldog. Need to hide everything if we do. My dog at my parents is fine now, but I remember hoe it startedā€¦

Weā€™ve been called many things, but a big country is not one of them :stuck_out_tongue:. It takes less than 4 hours to get from all the way north to all the way south. Our roads are pretty good as well so thatā€™s not an excuse either. Next time Iā€™ll go DHL when Iā€™m feeling particularly impatient lol.


Are there any places to purchase these iems besides linsoul? And congrats @hawaiibadboy Iā€™ve been following you since the good all bass head days Iā€™m sure the meles will be epic, Aloha from hawaii

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You can also buy from Ali, but keep in mind they are exclusive to Linsoul. Youā€™re just using other ways to get it, so the queue is the same.

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I figured, Iā€™ll just wait until they are more available. I will not deal with linsoul. Thanks

Not sure if you will have other sellers selling it, since they are a in-house brand. But wait to see how it rolls :slight_smile:

So much hype over these iems. Has anyone compared Tripowin TC-01 to Mele? I basically stopped looking at budget sets after I got TC-01, it is literally end-game for that price tier. Fantastic tuning and fit, I just changed tips to Starlines and cable to Nicehck 16 core. And perfect, I canā€™t imagine another $50 set being better.
Prove me wrong.

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Thanks man, I sure will

Pretty sure the only person that can help you with that comparition itā€™s HBB himself.

from tripowin to tripowin :wink:

Little bit off topic

Another great find

Is Mele up for it?


How do you contact this guy to have custom cables made. My birthday has just gone but Christmas is coming.


@Resolution look how youā€™ve spoiled the community and Linsoul :star_struck:

Btw, just as I was posting this, I got a notice that my Mele has shipped YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.


Mele great. Thanks Chris but this cable has got to go. Any suggestions for an easier to use cable guys. Not looking to spend more than 70
or so 40 be better thanks.


I will buy this one for Meleā€¦ Apologies for aff link, dunno to how otherwise generate link from app