đŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

@hawaiibadboy hey man im sorry if this has already been answered but what tips did you tune these with?

Spinfits CP100 yellow stem


thankyou, using Spinfit blues, really liking this tuning, making want to try your IE900 rec for a single DD


I can try this when I get home today if no one beats me to it; I think that they’d be a good pairing at a guess, though. Wide bores play nice with the Mele IMO as long as you have a good seal.

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Let me know. Ordered those for the Mele but also have some different Spinfits to try – but I believe I will get Mele delivered only in one month.

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Tips are very personal, you’ll need to try it for yourself. I don’t like Mele with those btw. I use Mele with small bore tips (Final E). But some people prefer it.

I did the testing with Crystal, so Xelastic will only be worse.

gonna start to look for these while waiting for the Mele

Anyone had a chance to compare the Mele to the Hana '21? Would be interesting.


Ok, sold! the Mele are on my radar now :grinning:

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Graphs don’t tell you all but both 1/DD tuned almost identical
If anyone says they are much different
graphs says they lie. Tell em I called em a liar too :notes: :call_me_hand:


Whatever people do, please just don’t be the guy that says Mele sucks because Dusk is better. Take a breath and think for a second, you’ll get there.

I’m taking everyone’s opinion lightly in another forums, but people should start using their brain and eyes.


Can you please put up graph of the Mele side by side with TC-01?
Can you say few words of comparison between the 2?
I’m guessing you are going to say Mele is better, but In my opinion and for my ears TC-01 is perfectly tuned and fitting for a budget set.
I am gonna order Mele I’m too interested but I’m in no hurry I’m gonna wait for blue faceplates.
Thanks boss




Link for the graph tool. You can check whatever you want vs whatever. Normalize graphs (on the top) @ 1hz so you get better comparitions!


Thank you for the link :+1:

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This makes me so happy
 If I can get most of the Hana’s tuning without that ugly (to me) shell. You are making the wait for my package to arrive all the more anxious.


I tend to ignore random people’s opinions about tuning, because tips and personal fit make such a huge difference. A lot of people think the VK4 is too bassy, but for me that’s just with a shallow fit and narrow bore tips. With wide bore tips and a deep fit, the bass sounds perfectly balanced to my ears.


They have arrived!!!


Buddy. I don’t know what I did specifically to hurt you so you need to be attacking me across different forums but for the sake of everyone other than us maybe if there’s something you need to say specifically to me just say it in a PM?