šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

lol, order now so you wonā€™t be in as much pain later on. Thatā€™s what I do. :wink:

You know Iā€™m just messin with ya because I :heart: you right?

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Oh so close.


Yes, but you better stop at Mest Mk2. If you go Elisian X or Traillii or something and start posting juiced photos, Iā€™ll jump of a bridge. Either me or my wallet will :man_shrugging:


Iā€™ve been thinking of doing this to this thread for a while and Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m just going to do it. Since no one else has made the comparison and the comparison obviously needs to be made, Iā€™m going to be the brave one and come out with it.

Anyone who who has ever wanted to know how the Theiaudio Clarvoyance sounds but doesnā€™t have, or doesnā€™t want to spend $700 to find out, just take a look at this graphā€¦


To my ears, the Clairvoyance has never been that resolving of a tribrid. The Mele also doesnā€™t have the coherency and timbre issues that plague a lot of hybrids and tribrids (Clairvoyance included).

I hope all of you can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4 and those of you wondering if you should pull the trigger or not should run to your computer and throw your 50 bucks at the screen and sit back and enjoy the masterful tuning that is Mele. @hawaiibadboy has given you all a gift.

You do not have to spend tons of money to get TOTL sound. Mele is the proof you have been waiting for.

Anyone who owns Mele and wants to hear if the Clairvoyance is $650 better sounding will be horribly, disappointed. Not to mention Mele destroys the Clairvoyance in comfort.

Got it? Nuff said.


It should be since BGGARā€™s target was made based on Clair and Mele was based on his target.

I like Mele so much that the only reason Iā€™m not gonna try isā€¦ wellā€¦ Mest.


Iā€™m not saying to try the Clair. Thereā€™s no need when Mele exists.


Yes. What I meant is, Clair would probably be my tribid endgameā€¦ If I was financial responsible :slight_smile: Same argument can be done to Teas, thoā€¦

Whoa whoa whoa no way

I love and hate this forum all at the same time lolā€¦but no Iā€™m truly impressed this thing is only $50 man, all Iā€™m listening to right now


Just in case you havenā€™t seenā€¦ Someone is selling Mest mk2 for 1075eur on hfi


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No funds yet, need a couple more time :slight_smile: But Iā€™ll buy from store, need the waraty to sleep well at night.


Yeah, I understandā€¦ Iā€™m also contemplating whether to buy them or not, 1+k for an iem is a lot


Woah! I was (emphasis on past tense) planning to get one of the Tribrid (thinking oracle) and call it a day. Now Iā€™m not sure! Iā€™m receiving my mangird tea next week and mele in another 2 weeks (according to my local linsoul distributor).

Anyway I hate myself now for ordering mele via my local distributor rather than ordering from linsoul at 12 midnight on the dot!

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A Tripowin Mele will sound like Clair. Separation, soundstage, images etc. whether they will be the same. By the same logic, you should never buy IEMs over $ 50 :)))) I doubt all thisŠ± !

This is no joke. People should know that just because weā€™re talking about IEMs like they are Legos, itā€™s real money on stake. Iā€™ve lost hundred on this hobby.

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Thatā€™s not what he said. Heā€™s talking tuning.

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Well we all take different paths in our audio journey. For me, Iā€™m mainly a headphone kinda gal. So I only use IEM when I commute. Honestly I donā€™t usual pay much attention to all the details and imaging. Would really love to have soundstage and good separation but tuning will be the most obvious difference for casual listening. Thus Iā€™m really hoping that with tea and mele, Iā€™ll be able to call it a day with IEM

Wouldnā€™t mind spending the $700 I put a side for Tribrid for another headphone instead


Yes. Did you see the graph?

As I stated earlier, hybrids and tribrids usually have better soundstage, imaging and separation because of their driver make up.

I also said hybrids and tribrids usually suffer from incoherency and poor timbre because of their driver makeup.

Soā€¦ If youā€™d like a Mele with slightly better soundstage, imaging and separation, spend $700 and get the Clairvoyance. If youā€™d like a Clairvoyance with better coherency and timbre, spend $50 and get a Mele.

If you care about comfort, hands down spend $50 and get the Mele and skip the Claivoyance.

See where this is going?

Hey, thatā€™s totally up to you. I think everyone should try everything they can. I have spent way more than $50 on my IEM collectionā€¦

ā€¦and I am the one making the comparison between a $50 and a $700 IEM because I am being completely honest. You can believe me or not, but Iā€™ve been listening to the Mele more than my Mest MKII lately. That should tell you something.


I spat some water. TouchƩ.

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Bro if you just saved me $700 lol, I like how you put this and with your listening experience i can trust. Now im not sure what to do, go straight to Mest or IE 900 damn what an insight.


Thanks for this. Iā€™d never have thought to do this comparison, itā€™s very enlightening. With Mele in transit (somewhere) it looks like I can take the Clairvoyance off the shopping list and look at a different option. Hmm, not sure what though.

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