šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

Iā€™ve bought many iemā€™sā€¦ Iā€™ve Spent into the thousands in the last 5 years Iā€™ve owned many sets chasing the dragonā€¦ Let me tell you that it doesnā€™t pay offā€¦i totally understand all that sophisticated talk about technicalities, details and separation and how 17 drivers do it better than 1 driverā€¦etcā€¦etcā€¦ but Iā€™ll let you in on a little secret that no one will tell you in this audio business and bet your ass itā€™s a businessā€¦ Donā€™t let the cost of an iem or driver count/hybrid hype fool you into thinking they are superiorā€¦ Iā€™ve listened to much high end expensive shitā€¦ Learn to Listen and trust YOUR EARS. At the end of the day it has to sound good to you and nobody elseā€¦ For me apparently itā€™s all about great timbre and tonalityā€¦i want something that just sounds right to my ears and you can keep all your technicalitiesā€¦


Amen. To me, Mele is a proof of that.

Yes. You have to trust your ears. For me, the proof is PD1. Nobody likes it, and I adore them :))


Tracking update - Mele has ā€œArrived at Airport of Destinationā€


Ok letā€™s see I was born in Ohio and graduated from University of Notre Dame. That was not addressed to anything you or resolution said but to Vasix and what he said. Trust me from now on I will not try and help either of you. I never said that you told him not to buy anything but I am sure Resolution did not say that the Mele which I own and like was better than a Clar in every way and all you had to so was spend 50 dollars to have the everything you could ever get or need as far as Iem forever . Letā€™s all three of us count this as a misinterpretation if what was said. I was actually standing up for Resolution but he is a big boy and does not need my help,


Sorry for typo in that last sentence

I was not talking about your english buddy, but about mine. Iā€™m not a english native speaker, Iā€™m portuguese. No one attacked you, everything is fine, relax.

Clearly thereā€™s some miss interpretation, since the reply was sent to my post, sorry. Also I was the first to say that Resolution was messing with wasps and bears, because I know how this would end up to.

Everything is good, this is a safe place. You can keep helping me bro. The more, the better, since I still know shit about this hobby.

Donā€™t take it personaly, I might have came off as rude to you, but it wasnā€™t the intention. Itā€™s the problem about writing and not speaking.

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Sadly I was not replying to anything you said but to what Resolution said to me or I thought he did I know your from Portugal and you communicate very well in English. Good luck with your quest to get best Iem for yourself I think from reading your posts you might have already found it in the Teas. I realize as a long time audiophile very few end the quest like that trying new things is the fun If Resolution gets this I respect his opinions and consider him a great source for info Have a great day both of you

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Might have got mambo jambled in the replies, but doensnā€™t matter.

Yeah, teas are my sweet spot. Think I need to try Mest for the sake of it, time will tell.

Yeah, Resolution knows his stuff well. His wallet is our beta tester :smiley: Have a nice day you too, stay safe.

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Same my, my sisterā€™s arrived in UK last night!


You graduated from University of Notre Dame and still have no mastery of the English language?



If what was said? What does that mean???

I seriously can not understand what you are saying or your point. Sighā€¦ Like you said, Iā€™ll chalk this one up to misinterpretation. Thanks for sticking up for me?

Have I read correctly somewhere in here that the Mele has a V-shaped sound?

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It is, slightly. Harman-tuned/Slight V-Shape/Balanced warm. Depends on ears I guess

Well, is it more V-shaped than a Sony MH750? Cause this is already too V-shaped/unbalanced for meā€¦

Is there another iem that is already in crinacleā€™s site that is close to the Mele?

Any of u tried Legacy 4ā€™s, theyā€™re my current set but my experience is that they are like amazing on certain genres and then just present some genres like crap- I ordered the mele to compliment it- u guys reccon Theyā€™re a good combo?

No, less. Hana 2021 graphs the same.

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I have approximately zero experience in this hobby, and have for now a different approach.
I consider tonality not that important: our ear/brain adapt extremely quickly to different sound signature.
The technicalities, though, canā€™t be recreated if the driver(s) arenā€™t on par with the demand of the music played.

Thatā€™s why I would say technicalities are more important for me than tonality. And I have the feeling these 2 factors are interdependent anyway.

In practice, as I only have single DD iems, I plan to test other technologies (ba, hybrid,ā€¦) First, and get the feeling of what it does for me.

I donā€™t consider the tonality being unimportant though, as the second part of my plan is testing different sound signatures to see what suits me best.

And i heartedly agree on the fact that what matters the most is oneā€™s own ears and tastes :slightly_smiling_face:


Having had both, I think that theyā€™d be fantastic complements to each other.