đŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

Gain more experience with more IEMs and different driver technologies before you say that.

You may think technicalities are more important to you because you have little experience with them. So naturally it’s a portion of the hobby you should explore to gain that knowledge.

I would never say that technicalities are actually more important than FR/tonality. It all boils down to personal preferences, but at the end of the day, you can have all the technicalities in the world, but if the tonality is poor, the music, the enjoyment of the music as well as the technicalities will all suffer.

To have a true HIFI experience, I feel everything matters, both tonality and technicalities.

 I have the L2, L3, L4 and L5.


That is why this hobby is subjective. Everyone has it’s own path to his ideal IEM. Some chase details in songs while others chase how music sounds (tonality).
In the budget area these two often don’t go along, you either have correct tonality with the expense of details or you have detail monster with bad tuning. The higher you go (pricewise), more likely is that tonality and details will go hand in hand.


Hold on yours are gorgeous, mine are mostly black sheesh

In the budget realm, if you choose wisely, you’ll be able to get TOTL tonality, coherency, timbre and comfort. That’s actually a really very good mix of technicalities and tuning.

In the more expensive realm, if you choose wisely, you’ll hopefully be gaining all the budget aspects but adding technicalities such as better clarity/resolution, increased stage size, improved imaging and separation, but many times at the cost of coherency and timbre depending on your driver choices.

Everything has positives and negatives associated with it and unfortunately, throwing more and more money at the hobby doesn’t usually get you everything, especially not everything in one package.

Thanks, I guess I got lucky. I love my custom Legacy 3

I actually went back and forth with Linsoul and Theiaudio until I got the L5 I wanted.


Worth it damn this would be fantastic advertisement for em, hows ur 2’s?

For $99 I really enjoy the L2.

My original L3 was kinda bad and ugly

It got really bad driver flex in one IEM and not the other. It never sounded right. It was quite dark/had little treble. When I received my custom, I was so relieved, it sounded nothing like the blue one.


God that l2’s gorgeous, you take iem pics to the next level and u have all them pretty ones too, the og l3 is terrible compared to their recent additions and the new l3’s sheesh


Of course, there are luckily some exceptions in budget realm. But if you’re not experienced and read and trust some hyped reviews, you’re more likely to make a bad choice/purchase.

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Gotta say to add to the debate, in cases like the bl03 the lacking technicalities add to the tonality being worse than it could be for example the resolution in the bass making it sound bloated. Or slowness I guess, point is the amount of bass isn’t the problem there but the quality is.

Just curious, how does the Legacy 2 compare to Mele’s technical performance?

I haven’t A/B’ed them and haven’t listened to the L2 in quite a while so I wouldn’t be able to say easily off the top of my head. From memory though if I had to compare, I prefer Mele. The L2 is very good at fast speed & transients. It’s beryllium DD feels almost unnaturally fast. The Mele is just perfectly tuned for most music. I’d have to rec Mele. It’s not as fast as L2 but most won’t care when it sounds as good as it does. Someone who loves super fast death metal (fast double kickdrums) might prefer the L2 but that’s about it I think.


Currently listening to my tester playlist.

I couldn’t wait until I’d burnt them in.

A friend asked me how they sounded? My answer, shit hot!

HBB you knocked it out of the park!


Hi there, I saw you said you prefer Mele to Aria due to the tuning. May I know a more in-depth explanation on that and what genres do you usually listen that made Mele the better choice? :thinking:

Linsoul is taking a nap for two days, I guess maybe then the 7th they’ll ship mine ,) fingers crossed

The Aria and most DD Moondrops are targeting Harman. Mele and @hawaiibadboy is targeting his preferred tuning curve which just so happens to match up extremely closely with the Clairvoyance which many regard as one of the most ideal tunings available today.

Mele DD is also made of graphene.

I now have a reason to never speak of Moondrop or their products ever again after their social media disaster, but that’s for a different discussion. I’m done with Moondrop.

It comes down to preferences and what works with the hardware/drivers best. My preference just lies with Mele because I like the way it sounds with so much and it’s even less expensive!

I listen to a lot of genres except for classic rock and country. This is what I currently have loaded into Dopamine flac


:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Matches my curve by 90%. Eletronic with Mele is just
 a bliss.

Andrew/Resolve from the Headphone show (which I have huge respect for) has also stated that the Clarvoynace is pretty much perfectly tuned and his #1 preference and target curve currently, so I am not alone. I just wish the Clairvoyance was a much better resolving and technical IEM like the Monarch is. At least they got the tuning right.

Now that we all have Mele, we can all hear what TOTL tuning sounds like and not just be harman sheep. BUT! If you want to hear Harman done well, look no further than the Oxygen.




To be fair, I can understand those as autocorrect issues, I for one have a lot of impatient trouble typing on my phone which is sometimes my only chance to respond to things.

I feel all sides are getting too defensive/snarky over miscommunications.

 The MEST MKII does not graph properly because of its bone conduction. It is just as elevated in the pinna gain as the others if not more. It’s the only IEM I have that the graph does not represent how it actually sounds.

All I can go by are words and he was mis-quoting what I said. I don’t care if you are impatient, take your time and clearly write what you mean to say or do not say it at all.

Like I said, obviously its all miscommunication because I can’t even understand what he is trying to say. I’ve already forgotten about it.