šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

From morning to dusk I only listen to Mele. Mele is a ā€œrevolutionā€ in the headset world because someone came up with the idea to set it up as Clairā€¦


That image of your collection is epic

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Wonder what KZ, CCA, TRN and other companies that release a gazillion budget IEMs per year are going to do? The Mele single handedly destroys everything they have released so far.

It pales in comparison to yours!

Thatā€™s just what I have loaded. I have a whole (huge) archive of stuff Iā€™m not listening to currently so Dopamineā€™s interface doesnā€™t get bogged down too much.

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I like Mestā€™s graphics the most, respectively they are the most expensive :))) I donā€™t own them, but I think they will be a complete audiophile experience!

Is it JRiver? How did you take pic like that?

Itā€™s Dopamineā€¦



Could you elaborate this a bit more, please? Which part exactly, bass? I read somewhere that Mest bass is subwoofer like but based on graph, it isnā€™t overly extreme

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I apologize I canā€™t and Iā€™ve been frustrated that I canā€™t. We just know that the way the MEST MKII graphs and the way it sounds is not accurate and the only reason we have come ton assume is that it must have something to do with the bone conduction since all other IEMs without that tech graph fine.

We really need to be able to hear the MEST MKII with and without the bone conduction engaged to actually understand what it is doing and what the rest of the drivers are doing.

The MEST MKII is quite unlike anything else Iā€™ve heard when it comes to IEMs but itā€™s not clear what the fourth driver type is doing but Iā€™m sure itā€™s doing something. Itā€™s not like you feel vibrations or it shakes your face. Itā€™s nothing like that, but it sounds different. It sounds more complete, but I donā€™t know if the hyper detail is from the DD, BA and EST drivers or if itā€™s the bone conduction. It might have something to do with it. It might not.

I hate to have to say it, but itā€™s one of those things you have to experience for your self to completely understand. Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t describe it better. Maybe other MEST MKII owners can do a better job.


I seeā€¦ appreciate your reply on Mele compared with Aria :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
But what does the graphene diaphragm mean thoughā€¦ anything?
(Btw impressively wide range of music/genres :open_mouth: :clap:)

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I know enough to be dangerous I guess. Graphene I believe is a material like carbon fiber. I did my homeworkā€¦ See belowā€¦ šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele - #727 by Resolution

There are a lot of different driver types and all different materials making up the components. They all matter and effect tonality and technicalities differently. I donā€™t think any of it matters if all the tech and tuning doesnā€™t all fall into place into one great piece of audio gear (meaning graphene or titanium or beryllium arenā€™t inherently better one than the other, but itā€™s about how everything works together). Thatā€™s why so much stuff is getting thrown against the wall. Luckily for us, Mele stuck and doesnā€™t break the bank either. Win Win!


Haha thanks for the answer, I guess one more reason to save up for MEST.
I really appreciate your thoughts and opinions you share with us, youā€™re such a big added value to this place.


Graphene is a single layer of graphiteā€¦thats all I know lol.


@hawaiibadboy should be answering these questions. Itā€™s his IEM.

Graphene is a form of carbon in a two-dimensional, one atom thick film. It is the basic structural element among other allotropes, including charcoal, graphite, and carbon nanotubes. Graphene is 200 times stronger than the high-strength (high-carbon) steel and it efficiently conducts heat and the electricity. Carbon materials usually have excellent acoustical properties. The graphene drivers are very thin and light and come with a small spring constant, so that the air itself damps the motion. The damped air in graphene converts almost all the energy into sound and is therefore potentially very efficient. Graphene diaphragm is very strong and thin and requires no or little external damping.

Graphene material is known for its highly conductive strong, and thin, and lightweight properties. Graphene is an ideal material for speaker diaphragms as it is amazingly strong and can be extremely thin and light weight. It is also relatively expensive. Graphene is stronger than steel and thinner than a paper and is best at electricity with the electrodes moving at a speed of 1/300 of lightspeed. The lightweight property allows it to move rapidly and act sensitively. The strong property of graphene keeps it unbreakable and unchangeable. A thin graphene of 100nm can bear a load of up to 2 tons. It can also hold its shape in motions and vibrations.


Wow wow wow! Such a comprehensive explanation on the material used. Definitely expanded my knowledge by a slight bit :grin::+1:. And yeah probably best and fair for BGGAR to have a say on the IEM he tuned :slightly_smiling_face:.
Once again, thank you all for the thorough explanation :pray:.


Thanks for helping folks. I will come in on Sunday and try and help folks out.
I have been intentionally trying not to chirp too much.
I want owners to determine the narrative on their own

Graphene was chosen by dumb luck.
Berry had a haze (tried a coated not pure berry) that is barely perceptible but was there (mid bass)
Driver that was in OG 03 ( sounded just like 03 and taught me that trying to pull out extension creates a loss in note weight I was not going to accept)
2 other drivers of unclear material (have to go way back in DM to confirm)

Hard this driver in another unreleased set and immediately heard it. The clarity with slightly more mid bass but pulling it in 2dB preserved the ideal repla but kept slam. Also that notch is critical for the extended type replay I was going for.

It was built around a library and instruments. It was a fucking joy.
Iā€™ll be in to answer specific stuff but not much else.
Thank you @Resolution and @nymz for an enormous amount of help with the community :raised_hands:
I love this forum
@Ohmboy Keep doing your thing. Best Mod in the biz.


Thank you man :peace_symbol:


Glad to hear your words. Glad to be able to hear a set like this for 50 bucks. Glad to share my joy with others here. Glad to be a part of this forum.

Glad to call @Resolution a buddy, but donā€™t let him know, that old man needs to be poked :smiley:

Thanks @Ohmboy , great work.


Weekend modafockaaaas. These are coming with me.

When you realized thats 3/4 recs from some youtuber that rants into a big ass monitor :joy:


Judging by this graph you sent me @nymz and the MH1 vs MH750 graphs out there, the Mele would have too much upper midrange to mid-treble, too much treble and also too little midrange to upper bass, according to my tastesā€¦ Bummerā€¦