šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

Weā€™re probably in the wrong thread so @Ohmboy feel free to move this since most will be MEST related but Iā€™ll get to the pointā€¦ Iā€™ve seriously been thinking about this lately and rediscovering my early assumptions about driver types and differing DD materials used.

I used to think that a certain driver material type was either better or worse. I had my favorites and expected everything that was made with the same material to behave similarly (technicalities) and sound similarly. This assumption held water for a while but as I heard more and more IEMs with the same driver and driver materials, I quickly realized my assumptions were bullshit and were not accurate.

So long story short, Iā€™ve learned not to put too much stock into the advertising buzz words IEM manufacturers are using this month. What matters is how the end product sounds tonally and its technicalities. Not what coating is used on its DD. If it sounds good, it sounds good. If it sounds bad, it sounds bad no matter if you make your entire cap out of 24ct gold and line your air vents with fake diamonds (YEAH! Iā€™m looking at you Fiio!).

Onto the MEST MKII Bassā€¦

Iā€™ll be honest that when it comes to studying IEM capabilities, most of my personal time is spent picking bass apart.

This ties into what I just said because I pretty much bought the MEST because I was really upset at the time with a certain IEM and retailer and I just wanted to break away and I just threw my money at Music Tech and Chrisā€™ top #1 rec. I hadnā€™t put any effort into studying it or really even looking into it if I thought Iā€™d like it or not. I just did it for the hell of it. Almost like revenge towards the retailer I was upset with.

When I first heard the MKII, I thought I knew how all DDā€™s sounded for the most part. Different DDs made with different materials presented the bass more or less textured or not and could portray the bass quickly or more slowly either with a sharp leading edge or not etcā€¦ The MEST MKII bass had none of those specific characteristics I had learned to expect. It wasnā€™t overly fast like beryllium can be (Legacy 2 for example) and it wasnā€™t slow or undefined. It also hit with authority that I did not expect almost like the Zen but not as extreme. For a lack of a better term, I found it to be as near perfect as I had ever heard. It had no strange behavior or weird/overly textured sound to it that was detached from the rest of the music as some hybrids do, it just sounded right to my ears.

This experience especially kinda forced me to just throw out my assumptions and learn to simply judge the IEM for what I hear it is capable of and donā€™t come into it with predefined expectations because I already think I have a general idea of how something will sound because of its driver make up and the materials used.

Iā€™ve also had a few chats with some buddies that have the MEST MKII. This one just came to mind because this guy just got his and this was his first reaction to hearing itā€¦

ā€œGonna ab test some stuff, but I donā€™t get why so many iems canā€™t get the kick drum correct. Itā€™s always a boomy thump instead of an impactful thump. The Mest got it right.ā€

I still donā€™t know how the MEST MKII does its bass and I really donā€™t care. Iā€™m throwing my assumptions away and just going to sit back and enjoy it. However its done, itā€™s done well. I like it.

My 2 cents, hope my insights are helpful. Always, still learning. :slight_smile:


Canā€™t do much better at the $50 range. Go for it.


Sorry way too worn out to assess what is and whatā€™s not appropriate on most of the IEM/Other threads tbhā€¦me be like



Have a nice one!


This is exactly what disappointed me in the Dusk as well as (surprisingly!) the very bassy Campfire Polaris V2 that I own and a bunch of other IEMs that I have tried at my local store.

Graph for reference:

As a long time performing musician (bass player) who has who has only recently gotten into the IEM hobby, music doesnā€™t really sound right to me if the kick drum isnā€™t right.

Because I havenā€™t had a chance to try many other IEMs yet, I have to say the only one that Iā€™ve tried recently that impressed me from the kick drum POV was the Fiio FD5 and Iā€™ve been on the search for similar performing or better performing IEMsā€¦ And to be honest the thing I was really kind of worried about in buying the MEST blind without audition. After all, the Dusk was never revealed to have this (IMO) huge weakness in the many a glowing review that I read.

If this is right in the Mest, then I think I may have little hesitation left to get it.


Yap, same thing here with Variations. Seems like mest is just a must happen by nowā€¦

How are the teas in this department in your opinion, might I ask?

Iā€™m leaving for a trip early Monday morning. Mele hasnā€™t moved in 4 days. I think Iā€™m going to be out of town when they get here. The pain. THE PAAAAIN.


For the record, that wasnā€™t me saying that.

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Beg your pardon. Fixed.

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Huh. Perfect šŸ¤·

Best replay on my collection, my favourite set.

My dream is for mangird to do a set with the same tuning but better techs.

Single DD might be better for your kick drums tho. If youā€™re a bass head, neither tea or MEST are for you.


I donā€™t think I consider myself a basshead. The Polaris V2 was a gift from a friend and frankly I canā€™t really listen to it much because it gives me a headache after a short while. Everything is too warm.

The double bass that should be soft yet thumpy, in the background with quick decay on the jazz and acoustic songs I enjoy listening to just sounded boomy and wooly and brought up all the way right up front which made it extremely unpleasant to listen to.

Rock and EDM are not bad on it, just for short sessions tho.

Also sounds like I might be going to drop some money on a pair of teas. :wink:

I love teas for both. They are everywhere, but polite. Zero fatigue


The Anole VX is also like this: the graph shows it lacks energy by dipping around 1.5k - 4k and an energy spike at 7k but if you get the chance to listen to it it doesnā€™t sound like this at all. So strange.

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What do You think about that ?

I have shared same post with same pic here. And I got my answer and later got the Mele as well. After listening with my ears, what it is being said here on this forum regarding Mele is on point.

Not to defend Mele (waiting), but just to point out:

Very commonly youā€™ll see folks who prefer more neutral tuning or brighter tuning mark down sets like this. ā€œToo much bass for me, bass slow and unclearā€ because their ears have adjusted to lighter and thus perceivably faster and clearer bass.

Sounds more like they bought a set thatā€™s not tuned to their liking. :man_shrugging:

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Okay, but the slow bass is slow bass,and its not acceptable in 2021.

So youā€™re just taking one personā€™s impressions as absolute fact and saying Mele isnā€™t acceptable for 2021? :thinking:

Or are you just trying very badly to troll? :man_shrugging:

Whatever. No need to debate one manā€™s opinion. Thatā€™s that.

I see , thank you.