šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

That MG4 - MG2SS is Variations food. Love it, thanks for linking it

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I would like to ask something. Do 16 bits 44.1khz 1411 kbps enough for mele? I donā€™t know if I will loose some details or layering with that kind of quality.
And also, do I need to set my dac connected to my pc 16 bits 44.1khz if Iā€™m only listening to that kind of quality? Or is it alright to all out what my dac can handle and set it to 32 bits 384khz?:thinking:

PS: All of my music in my library are in 16 bits .wav format

Try this:

I love that song, thanks to Fatboy Slim! :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s another great example of why I prefer the Mele mid-bass curve to sub-bass monitors replay. Mele raves on it :musical_note:


Definitely one of the IEMs I have yet to head and is on the list. Thanks!

OMG, best post Iā€™ve read in a looooong time. I agree. vasix, youā€™re pretty trolly, but youā€™re fun. Never change bro! :slight_smile: I like you too. Ha ha

Your English skills are outstanding. Now @Gul on the other handā€¦

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Dude, you are good to go! No worries.

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If your music is in 16 bit, 44.1khz, it is absolutely pointless to set your dac over that. All you get is some extra latencyā€¦


Nah youā€™re good to go, I use 32 bit 384khz because I have some 32 bit files in my library but if your library is 16 bit then you donā€™t lose anything!


Iā€™ll attempt to sum up my impressions on Mele, its bass speed and many of the general questions & comments from above while I was sleepingā€¦

  1. This is a $50 single DD IEM guys!

  2. Iā€™ve always seen the Blon BL-03 as the IEM every enthusiast must own. Iā€™m removing it from my personal tier list because I canā€™t think of anything the Blon BL-03 does better than the Mele. The Mele is a clear upgrade from the Blon BL-03 in every way except price.

  3. When anyone says that the Meleā€™s bass is slow, compared to what? Compared to the Legacy 2 or Fiio FH3, sure. But compared to the Legacy 3? Nope. Compared to the Blon BL-03? Nope. Meleā€™s speed is more than fine especially for its price point. Iā€™ll refer again to my #1 point on this list.

  4. When it comes to the metal genre, especially very fast metal, I have struggled to find any IEMs that do the genre justice. For an earphone to be able to properly portray that much speed, with such a dense mix layered in gain/distortion and compression, with bass competing for the same frequency range as the kick drum , itā€™s clear that metal is one of the most difficult genres of music for any headphone/earphone to be able to represent with perfect clarity, detail and instrument separation. This also proves that music production (mixing/mastering) for metal is difficult and an art form when done well. Mele is not going to have a technical edge up on any other single DD IEM to be able to reply metal better than any other IEM that came before it and Chris did not design it with metal in mind. Remember my #1 point on this list! If you would like some IEM recommendations from me personally, feel free to PM me and lets have a conversation about it and lets help you find the perfect IEM. But if youā€™re expecting to hear metal re-played with perfect precision, expect to dish out a whole lot more than what Mele costs. For what itā€™s worth, IMO the Thiaudio Clairvoyance ($700.00) is not a great metal performer either.

  5. What Mele is is a masterfully tuned (for most musical libraries) single DD IEM with outstanding coherency, timbre and comfort for its price point. IMO it dethrones the all time must-have Blon BL-03. It is not the most resolving or most technical IEM available, but for many peopleā€™s libraries who simply want a great sounding IEM to enjoy their music with will completely appreciate what Mele is and what it does does.


Iā€™m used to be electro swing, metal fan and this also happens to me! Canā€™t find any IEMs to justify it.

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There are some sets that do certain things well, but they also then have weaknesses.

This is why Iā€™m pretty upset reading some of the expectations from people in this thread expecting Mele, a $50 single DD to compete with some of the best IEMs out there that might be able to do metal OK. The Best IEM I have heard for metal and I really could not ask more from is the MEST MKII. It is hands down the best, but itā€™s also $1,500.00.

Other sets I feel do pretty well with the metal genre areā€¦

Fiio FH3, Fiio FH7, DUNU Zen.

Even then, the least expensive IEM (FH3) is 3X the cost of Mele.


Thanks for this. Iā€™m in a middle of making a FAQ about Mele just to copy pasta, this will fit nicely :rofl:

:clown_face: 50$ IEM :clown_face: Pro tuning :clown_face: Best fit/confort ever :clown_face: Accurate Timbre :clown_face: Coherency :clown_face: People complain :clown_face:

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You can add this tooā€¦

People want everything for nothing :clown_face:

To the people with unrealistic expectations, seriouslyā€¦ Just go buy a MEST MKII and be done. Seriously.

Fixā€™d it 4 u :slight_smile:

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So I got the Mele yesterday, had some time to listen to music today and Iā€™m very happy with it. It fixed my biggest problems with the blon03 which made me not really use them that much: extremely poor fit and bass was too much for longer listening.

The mele fits just right using final audio tips, and also glad I got the jelly cable. The stock cable is not horrible but I wouldnā€™t use it. The logo on the cable is a nice touch, wish the jelly also had it.

So about how they soundā€¦ Bass guitar notes are just amazing. Drums slam how they should, and I canā€™t wait to listen to everything all over again.

Great job, amazing thing to see happen and end with such a great product. I personally donā€™t need anything more from an IEM.


This!!! This is what Iā€™ve been praying. Chris secret sauce :wink:

Glad to read this. We all could learn with this. Looking back, I should have gotten my Teas and run from the internet. Iā€™d be as happy as I today, or more :stuck_out_tongue: I envy you! Iā€™m too deep by now.


Iā€™ll even go further: do the test yourself.
There are some sites out there that allow you to check if you can decipher 320mbps MP3 Vs flac. There are others for 24 Vs 16 bits.

I tried one of them, and couldnā€™t differentiate a MP3 from flac. From that day, I stopped worrying about anything above cd quality. I keep my library in flac because I can, but couldnā€™t care less about hi-rez.


Congrats. So happy to hear youā€™re enjoying your Mele!