🔶 Tripowin X BGGAR Mele


You are supposed to lube up the drivers more, so they are faster and isnt as slow. :wink:



Now I don’t know whether to wait for Linsoul to process my order or just cancel and go with Amazon… Hmmmm… decisions decisions :laughing:



Tripowin x HBB Mele (Final Audio Type E, Single Ended) x Blon Bl-03 (Radius Deep Mount, Single Ended, No mesh mod)

Mele is a true upgrade to the generally approved Blon-03. The biggest selling point of Blon-03 is the timbre and price-to-performance ratio.

Mele keeps the timbre, tuning and driver configuration, and takes it to a whole other level for aprox. double the price. It does all that the Blon Bl-03 does, but better.

While A/Bing, the Blon sound seems veiled in comparition. Treble is less apealing and has less extention. The treble on Mele was clearly tuned to give some psycoaccoustics and sense of air and detail, without affecting the rest of the tuning. People that are very sensible to treable peaks might prefer the more tuning of the blon-03, altho I don’t find it sharp.

The already praised bass on the Blon was improved, surely using a better driver and also giving it a tad bit more sub-bass, turning Mele into a punching machine when it rumbles, without overexagerations on mid-bass or bleed.

Conclusion: If you love Blon-03 and you want a 1:1 upgrade or are on a tight budget, Mele might be worth checking.

Tripowin x HBB Mele (Final Audio Type E, Single Ended) x Fiio FH3 (Final Audio Type E, Single Ended)

(Graph not available at this moment)

Mele timbre and coherency come way ahead of FH3’s, but that no news to anyone. It’s unfair to compare coherency since one is a single DD and the other one is an hibrid.

Upfront FH3 has better soundstage, not by much, but it’s there. Overall, Mele sounds more detailed and has better separation, even on busy tracks.

Bass is better on Mele. Faster, tighter and better textured. Overall better quantity and quality. Also gives better separation with less bleeding, interfering less with mids. Kick drums sound like candy on this set.

Mids also go down to Mele. Despite what graph my indicate, Mele treats mids very well, even on busy tracks. Female vocals sound recessed on FH3, which is a no-go for my library.

Treble: Mele treble has more air, detail and better extension. Althought, it comes as brighter than FH3, even if it is not sharp. FH3 treble is more relaxed. Cymbal strikes and Hi-hats sound better on Mele, to my ears.

Conclusion: Mele is better than Fiio’s FH3 to my ears, specially on coherency and timbre, while being clearly superior on tuning and tonality. Fiio FH3 is more relaxed overall, having less energy, which might appeal to some.


Thanks for the write up!

The veiled part of the 03 kind of sounds like the normal kick for it versus brighter sets. That’s why I have two 03; one stock, the other with the mesh mod. The mesh mod, as I use it with just straight mesh no filter, brings in more detail with the side of reducing bass impact for more mids and highs.

Kinda sounding like Mele does a mix of both; keeps the bass of stock 03, brings the detail without raising mids and highs.

The thing that’s keeping me from pulling the trigger is fit of the Mele. I’m a fit-fanatic. :sweat_smile: Waiting for enough people to chime in on that. The fit of the 03 are great for me with the right tips and cable. In comparison, FH3 had super weird pressure points, but Starfield/Aria were fantastic but not my signature.



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Good point. Forgot to point out that my blons are not mesh moded.

Fit on blon is not that good, but I find it very good on Mele with the right tips. Can see people with very large ears having problems, tho. Will be better on smaller ears, I guess.


I just ripped the mesh out of one of my sets.

I saw your pics in the other thread. Very nice bro!

Updated with pics! Ty

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I’ll say it one more time… You lucky bastard!! :smile:


Whoa, is that a new type of 2 pin connector? It kind of looks like the inverse of QDC: rounded, but recessed rather than extended. Can you get a secure fit with other cables?

@nymz is this you?

Can you show photos of the stock cable? Big thanks!

damn this review makes me anxious for mine. :sweat_smile:

Nope, bro.

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Its a normal 2 pin :slight_smile:

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Will take better ones today!

Special treat to the metal heads in here.

Mele handled speed, layering and texture like a champ, probably better than TSMR Land.

Credits to @Resolution for showing me this track some time ago.


Gold looks dope.


Plan was to get this to music listeners 1st and reviewers after. BLON 03 was built on @paulwasabii then me but that huge slow beast train was movin and happy music lovers pushed it.
Lots of reviewers panned it but music lovers don’t care. like honeybadger.

1st two folks to get it are music lovers and i have no idea what their first name is.
Perfect :fist: