đŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

Glad to hear that 
and you’re correct. my previous IEM also had this issue (It had a metal nozzle)
I think you either have to use non-metal nozzle or use a hydrophobic filter to work around it.
I hope it sells well you deserve it.
is there any FR graph yet?

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Do you mind sharing how they retuned this iem if your allowed to divulge? Just curious do they change the drivers or add material to the shell or nozel?
I know some companies retool the shell to change the resonances.
Cheers J.

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My guess is the use of some hydrophobic filter like Tanya filter 
 which people have reported to solve the condensate issue as well as tames the treb. but maybe I’m wrong :thinking:

I’ll upload a graph after they send me a retail/wrapped box that matches what i did. I have a final demo sample but will graph the retail out of box set


What’s the specs on the Olina filters? Diameter and mesh size, looking to buy a few packs for the long term and maybe even some waterproof filters to prevent the moisture issue since it’s my new daily driver, would like to keep pretty close to the stock tuning, the extra treble makes it different enough from my Oracle (technicalities aside) that it’ll keep it nice and fresh for when I want to really just listen to music

Just ordered this, if you’re not sensitive to treble is the mod still a must?

I have not modded mine and love the stunning vocals clarity. May try mod later
just to find out, but liking for now. (note I have some Hi frequency loss and can see why stock might be too much for some.)

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mod is definitely not a must. I loved the stock sound. The only reason why I modded is because of the condensation issue so I switched to Tanya filters. The sound is more to my preferences now but its a minor change imo


The mod is dependent person to person. You must trust your own ears on this stuff.


Yep that is for the best overall. Probably why, on why I have IEMs in my collection that I just love listening to with my ears while other credible reviewers who are veterans to this hobby like crinacle, didn’t like the Seek Real Airships too much, but for me, ended up being better than the Kato soundwise and yes, better QC as well for I never had any QC issues on the Airships.

Yeah lately, it’s better to try the item or IEMs for yourself first, and create an overall conclusion, because there are just some reviews where we can admit, it affects our own conclusions, instead of your own conclusion to the item, we are using someone else’s conclusion.


I tend to listen to as many reviews as I can find, but there are a few reviewers (HBB, Paul Wasabii, Akros, and Ian Fann in particular) that if their positive reviews intersect, I will put a set on my list to try.

I’m excessively picky about blind buying, especially from the Chi-Fi stores, without easy return policies. Like Linsoul is having a 50% sale on P1 Max, and I want to try it, but I will NOT buy from Linsoul unless I’ve already heard it and love it.


I love my Airship by the way.


Yeah I think I should be excessively picky as well especially today, for the tolerance that I used to had with Moondrop is all freaking gone, because three strikes is safe to say, is already enough.

Also I wonder if there is going to be a newer version of the Olina, like a revision of it at least. But yeah, I got to admit the Olina at the time was in my eyes to get but I stuck with the Airships since someone told me that it has a better tuning than the stock Olina. Would have saved more if I just get the Olina along with the Tanya and then do the mod to get similar results.

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There already is a Linsoul “listing” of “Special Edition” Olina, which, by HBBs words, is a refined version with community issues fixed.


So, it’s tuned slightly differently?

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Probably a refined tuning that is similar to the Airships, or if I want a bit of copium inhaled for myself, a better overall than the original Olina or even the Airships I have.

If I currently own an older Olina, is it worthwhile to get a new one?

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Why would you?

Noone Can answer that question yet.
But if I had to guess, I’d say that the new olina will try to get rid of the.condensation issue and apply the dual filter mod as a OOTB tuning.

So If you don’t have condensation issue, it won’t be worth it.
If you already have the double mesh mod, it won’t be worth it.
If you don’t like the double mesh mod, it won’t be worth it.

Now I can be completely wrong, and there can be other variables, so