Unique Melody Mest

Glad to see yet another high praise review. I have yet to see anyone regret buying these.

I sold some of my old hobby stuff and my income is once again nice and stable. I’m going to be patient and wait for another sale, even if I have to wait for Cyber Monday or something, but I’m now ready to buy.

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Not my sale and I don’t know the seller but might be of interest?….

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I’d only buy something this expensive directly from an official retailer, probably wouldn’t buy a used/refurbished version either.

Thanks for the heads-up though.

Hmmm. I am also considering buying MK2, but I would not buy them here! Maybe I will wait until November 11, if there is no promotion I will buy them at the regular price. However, they are expensive, there must be a guarantee !!

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This, so much.

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I’ve given my opinion about purchasing Mest if you dont have infinite funds in another thread. Point is, should someone buy it? At what cost/tradeoffs?

Most people know its an amazing iem, some people heard it, some people own it.

It’s a piece of art, that’s for sure.


I have found the MEST Mk2 pairs really nicely with a DAP like the Shanling M8. It smoothed out the MEST in a way that maintained its detail, but it’s not as fatiguing. I do think the complaints that have been mentioned are valid. When I used to own it, I didn’t listen to it for long periods of time due to fatigue from the aggressiveness of its detail.


you still did not buy them? Just do it :slight_smile:

My solution: FuSang customs… I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but UM has my impressions on file from MEST MkII, and I auditioned the universals. FuSang still has the vividness of MEST MkII, but the tuning is more neutral, and the overall presentation is less hyper-energetic (i.e., more relaxed and even more sublime for chillout material like Delerium, for example). I expect it will replace MEST MkII as my everyday go-to, but MEST is still champ for when I’m in the mood for high-energy listening. It’s great to have options. :smiley:


I just went for it and have no regrets. The MEST Mk2 will keep me a very happy camper for a long time.

It fills my spot for a DD, while also answering different questions I like being answered in my set-up mainly being having products that have wonderful implementation of emerging technologies. I’m a sucker for bone conduction and ESTs.

The sound is right up my alley, and perfect for my music. It’s vibrant, energetic, and not lacking in one area or the other while never being piercing or too exciting to listen to for long periods of time.

The comfort of my custom is great, and despite being an excellent deep deal with artist style fitment, it disappears after a period of time once I insert it in right!


I had buyers remorse the first days after getting Mest MKII, but then they grew on me and now I love them. And I am so glad, I got them.

Enjoy :wink:


After using MEST2 for a few weeks I can tell that I don’t like them as everybody else.


Enjoy bud! You do the same.

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The sound is certainly not for everyone! I felt that way with the MK1 and was wondering why I did not like it so much as everyone else did.

What didn’t you like about them?

my experience with the MEST MKII has been similar to other’s… at the beginning, meh… sure, sound good, but not so much better than other iems… then you find the right tips and the right cable, and yeah, maybe better, but still not convinced… then you start IEM rolling and think jeez… have these other IEMs always sounded so boring and lifeless???
there is really something special with MEST MKII, something that is not immediately apparent, something not related to the usual things like frequency etc, something that grows on you with time when you use the MEST MKII… it’s just the most vivid, energetic, spectacular IEM I have.


I think that the problem with MEST2 is that it takes TIME for them to open up for you. I have mine for about a month now and I hated them. They were sounding like a cheap pair of IEMs. Very wrong sound.
But two days ago something happened and now they SOUND like no other IEMs do. I don’t know if it’s my brain adjusted to the MEST2 or they just needed more time to burn in?

Potentially fit? They are picky in terms of fit and tips

No, not the fit. I was using the same Xelanto tips all the time.

The same for me and same tips. It took 2 weeks where they sounded meh; now they are the best IEM I have :laughing: