Class D entirely depends on the filtering after the amplifier stage.
If any of the filter components degrades due to component age, heat, etc. the carrier signal will bleed through causing hiss/humm etc.
It also brings high frequency “noise” close to the analog audio signal, which in my somewhat informed opinion is not a good idea.
The heavy lifting is done by a Texas Instruments PCM2705, with an SNR of 98db, sample rates of 32, 44.4, and 48 kHz. This is an older USB 1.1 complaint device and has since been replaced by the PCM2705C with USB 2 compliance.
@ZeosPantera hey Z, can you review the newer 125x 225x and 325x?
I would really like to know if the sound / fit quality scales up noticeably to justify their higher prices. I have also never seen any full family review from top to bottom for the Prestige series and I really really would.
@ZeosPantera please start reviewing Bluetooth speakers. there are so many and only some of them will be any good, but there is literally nothing out there for reviews on them.