What are you drinking tonight?

Kinda poignant over here at the mo… brewed by Badger Brewery in Dorset over here in Blighty…and a real nice pint it is too :beers:


coffee. it’s the weekend, no work, so doesn’t matter what time I stay up until! :smiley:

maaaybe spike it with some Amaretto. :slight_smile:

Having a drink to celebrate our new family member (HD660S2) that just arrived today.

Fortress rum made here in Nova Scotia. The smoothest rum I have ever drank. I rarely drink anymore, but when I do it is usually the Fortress.


This shit is tasty as hell. Also was drinking beer from a local brewery called Trillium


Let’s bring this thread back to life or are y’all sober now? :grin:

I am drinking Calimocho aka Red wine and coke aka blasphemy in the eyes of a sommelier :see_no_evil:

blood orange sparkling water. :slight_smile:

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I’ve got a nice Josh Cellars Cab working right now. Not a premium in my view, but it’s a nice, drinkable cab.

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I have the Grahm’s 10 year old Tawny in-hand this evening.

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Tonight, I am enjoying a nice cup of tea. I have come to like this particular one.


Macallan 18 Sherry Oak Single Malt. Wanted something a little different than the heavier/smokier peated bottles I favor most often and this bottle has been waiting for me to open it since my birthday.

Damn fine Scotch, too. I taste the oak more than the Sherry which was a pleasant surprise, but I also get plenty of hints of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg as well as an extremely clean and smooth finish. A baby could take down a sip without a second thought because it’s just that clean and fresh. I’d highly recommend this if you’re ever looking to drop $300 to $400 on a bottle for a special occasion. Though, I have seen sales drop it as low as $240.

This was the perfect glass for tonight. Period.


Brewed my first beer aboard the barge and it turn out mint :beers:


tonight…dunno; right now? peach sparkling water. :slight_smile:

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Stopped by one of our favorite local breweries, Wrong Crowd in West Chester PA USA. Had a couple pours and a pizza. Home now. Between work wearing me down and getting up before dawn all week it’s hard to get “going” even on a 3 day weekend here in the states.


@formerviking I can relate. One thing I will say about the early ride in on the bike is that I have been treated to some pretty sweet sunrises. But that is over now, a nice 3-dayer is upon us, the tunes are on, and I have a glass in hand! Enjoy. :+1:t2:

I’ve heard that stuff is strong and can sneak up on you. Better take it easy…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: Totally forgot why I came by the thread. I’m sitting down to a new bottle for me, the BenRiach Smoky 12. It was recommended to me by a buddy who enjoys a good peated single malt, much as I do myself. It’s reasonably priced and quite tasty. And to think, I don’t think I had ever heard of BenRiach before he mentioned this rec a couple days back. :+1::sunglasses:

Ah, time to enjoy. Doing something a little different tonight, Got this one going

Pretty good! A definite step up from the standard Cab.

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It’s not fancy but I rather enjoy it.


not drinking anything but saw this and thought it applicable.

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Strange things are happening these days…

I am taking an alcohol break for a few weeks while doing a colon cleansing… Gotta stay healthy yo :grin:

Tastes pretty good actually :slightly_smiling_face:

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Back into the Fortress tonight. My birthday starts at midnight, so I am getting ready.
My two partners for the evening include an old friend (Fortress) and a brand new friend (new to me 109 Pro’s):