What did you buy today? (Part 1)

I’ve heard a lot about “The Modhouse Argons” - I’d be interested, what exactly do they do?

Its a tuning thats supposed to make them sound better. since you already have pads you could skip the pads part:

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Thank you so much for the advice on where to find the y-splitters :slight_smile:

Found them on plussound and I’ll be grabbing 3. They look sick.



My new DAC showed up - temporary location


Looking nice, curious to see what you initially think

My first light mouse, mm711. Curious if it will fit my hand well, but I have faith that it will be a solid upgrade where it counts to my 502. :slight_smile: Here is to hoping for some good times tomorrow!


You’re welcome…happy I could be of help.


really like that smouse a tad too wide for my hands but was really nice and comfy one of the better ultralights out.

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argons are modded t50s, t50s stock arent very comfortable. what the argons add is comfort mods as well as improved tuning supposedly making them sound much better.

I followed this guide and it was much easier than I expected, plus you don’t have to rip the original pads if you do it this way as opposed to some of the other guides I’ve seen out there.


Thanks for this. I saw Amazon had the Yaxis in stock, so I picked up the 5 pack along with Porta Pros and KSC75s to complete my Koss triforce


You’ll have fun, I also have all of them and have experimented with yaxis, with/without etc. For me the favorite remains some well used
ksc 75s. That titanium driver just kicks up the clarity. Would love to see an over ear with that soundstage and presentation. I’d pay $200 in a second!


My LCD-X finally arrived. Took 9 days to arrive from Los Angeles, CA to Cleveland, OH…screw the ebay seller for cheaping and cheating out on the shipping after promising 2 day guaranteed.

Some quick initial impressions…

Only listened to 2 songs so far as a basic test to ensure these are functioning properly. “Poison” by Alice Cooper and “Again” by Alice in Chains both sounded awesome. These are easier to drive than I had expected. These are definitely heavier than the LCD-2, LCD-2C or LCD-3 that I have owned or auditioned in the past. Definitely the most treble I’ve heard out of an Audeze headphone so far…but in a good way and not a bad one. I’m very surprised at just how neutral these sound to me. Mids arent as recessed as other’s have said…probably typical Audeze manufacturer variance. I’m looking forward to dedicating my next few days towards listening to these. :slightly_smiling_face:


How would you compare them to the LCD2 Classic’s?

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Their probably very neutral. they seem to be the choice for studio people.

Limited listening experience so far with the LCD-x…but I’ll make some comparisons. After further listening in the future, some of my impressions may be subject to change.

The Audeze LCD-2C has thicker bass and mids, but at the expense of treble extension. The LCD-X has less bass quantity but more quality. The LCD-x doesn’t have the peak from 1 to 2 Khz like the LCD-2C…this results in the LCD-x being smoother and much less shouty in the vocals. The LCD-x has the most extended and detailed treble I’ve heard in an Audeze headphone so far (I’ve owned or auditioned the LCD-2C, LCD-2f, LCD-2 pre fazor revision 2.2, Audeze LCD-3). Normally I’m somewhat sensitive to certain treble peaks, but I initially don’t believe I’m going to have any issues. The treble is extended and detailed in comparison to the typical Audeze house sound, but make no mistake, these are pretty neutral.

The LCD-x typically show a recession in the upper mids that vary from 2 to 7db from the 2 to 4 khz region on multiple measurements I’ve seen…BUT…I must have a unicorn LCD-x because I’m flat out not hearing a huge recession. If I had to guess, I’d say the recession may be 2 to 2.5 decibels on my LCD-x.

Also of note, the LCD-x are much heavier than the LCD-2C, but the newer Audeze headband distributes the weight well. The LCD-x also are very close to the LCD-2C as far as power requirements (although many have said the LCD-x scales really well with higher tier amps; this is not the case with the LCD-2C).

Once I’ve had some solid listening time invested on my LCD-x, I’ll be sure to give my detailed impressions.


Audeze and Sonarworks both make easy to use eqs for the LCDX. Could be worth playing with.

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I’m not much of an eq guy…pretty much a purist…but if I were to tinker with any eq on the LCD-x, I’d probably only add a tasteful bass boost for fun listening.


That’s awesome. The thing that I notice and really enjoy about the LCD-X is that you can really ‘rock out’ with them, in a smooth and fatigue-fee listening session.

I often crave more detail from them, but I wonder if that would sacrifice some of the smoothness that they offer. I can listen for hours and I often do.



That sounds nice to me. I intend to rock out hard af, lol.