What did you buy today? (Part 2)

I really don’t use DAPs very often but there is something about the R4 that keeps telling me to buy it.


Yeah, man. Enjoy that.

I was looking for something on the cheap that was good for an EDC and that I wouldn’t be too bummed about if I lost them or they somehow broke. I was also looking to fill that missing treble/air extension void that my more laid back Galileo’s had, on the cheap. Honestly, for this price…I am impressed.

I have them paired with a Tripowin Zoe cable that I had laying around and also capped them with my current champs, the Dunu S&S ear tips. Great combo there (to my ears) and it is also happy as a clam on my Schiit Vali 3 tube headphone amp at the moment. With ~25 hours on them so far, they sound great!

Is it endgame? No. But…for the $15 that I paid for them, it is currently getting more air time than my HD 400 Pro’s and Galileo’s if that helps to convey my enjoyment. A steal if you ask me! :notes:


These are very pretty. Love the bl-03s. Never tried the bl-05s. For $50, I felt “why not?” Very good deal. They have a nice sound.


I’m excited for this unit. I’ll be using it in double duties as HP amp and home sound system DAC in conjunction with WiiM Pro.




My Wiim Pro came in today. It took a moment to get the settings figured out to get 24bit 192khz audio, but since getting that accomplished I’ve been listening to music for 3 hours straight. I must say that the UHD sound quality is everything I was hoping it would be. Just using my Topping E50 right now. It’ll be some weeks before my Geshelli J3 gets here. On another note I’m using the cheap RCA cable that the Wiim Pro comes with as a Coaxial digital cable from the Wiim to the E50. I can’t imagine it sounding any better with a more expensive cable as good as this sounds. I could be surprised I guess.
I’m using wifi to the Wiim. It’s had 3 or 4 drop outs now. However thats no worse than a spec of dirt in a vinyl record groove really.


Generally, I listen to headphones when at home but on the go I use an iPhone paired with a Qudelix 5K and in-ears, albeit mainly for when traveling but there have been occasions when I’ve thought that it be nice if the functions of phone and music source were separate devices. So, I picked this up as an introduction to DAP life to see if it suits me.

I like the Black on Black

Along with the DAP I picked up a set of the DUNU DaVinci based on some things a friend of mine who I’ve known from the beginning of my time here on HFGF. I’ll leave him anonymous but here’s what he said that caught my attention.

“These things are fantastic. If you are looking for an IEM with amazing bass quantity and quality, great bass texture, great vocals and mids, and politely tuned treble…these are for you.
They are really really good for the price point if the tuning is what you are looking for.”

It’s no secret I like me some good bass and I gravitate to a warmer lush tonal signature so it was like dangling a carrot in front of me – so I got a set to try for myself.

My camera is not doing the face plates any justice, but even so I may not have got the best looking set. However, from my perspective I can’t see them when I’m listening so I’m OK with them.


The Amazon/HiFiGo sale bit me today…in a good way. I ended up returning the 7Hz Salnotes Zero’s that I recently got since one of them had a broken filter. While looking for a replacement I realized that today was the sale and since I never really had a good mid-tier IEM set, I decided to go that route instead. Going through my saved list of IEM’s that I want, watching and reading more reviews, I ended up settling on the AFUL Performer 8.

This was actually on my wish list a while back but for some reason I removed it, probably favoring more hyped IEM’s which were less expensive at the time. Coming in at just under $300 with all the discounts applied (and 0% for 12 months on my Amazon card), I thought it too good of a deal to pass up. So looking forward to having a listen…they get here Friday, which also happens to be my day off! :raised_hands: :notes:


When used with an external dac, isn’t the wiim mini a better buy?

I want to run my Wiim on a hard line. I think the mini is wifi only.

Oh got that. I’m considering getting one of these, mostly for the speaker setup. One downside is the mini didn’t get the room correction update.

Please let me know how you like them.
I would have been tempted aswell but unfortunately there was no such deal on german Amazon :smiling_face_with_tear:
Was looking for a super clean set with clarity and details for days

For sure @Rinderkappajoe , will PM you with my take after I’ve had a chance to listen to them for a bit. :+1:

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Got the Zeus Eris 'phones yesterday. Extremely happy with them so far. My only concern now is longevity as I’m an old spaz and am hard on the headphones. Deep bass without bloat! Finally, from sub-$300 cans.


40fingers in my city, 23.07., Ancient Theatre of Plovdiv :fire::fire::fire::zap::zap::zap:


Thanks for that comparison @John_W_Clark . I get a strong sense of what you mean from your words. In a frenetic prime day buying spree, I picked up the cinno and supermix 4 this morning (SM4 mainly cos I’m curious where I fall on with it as it has divided opinions). And that’s my first foray back into hybrids after a long break from them. It’s been said so many times but it’s worth repeating again the squiggly line really does not express the full story with variation in the quality, type and speed of drivers. And a little tilt here and there can really change the character of a set, which variations in measurements can’t always capture. I’m once again preaching to the choir I know.

I also picked up the Whizzer HE10 and VE ODO dongle for a compadre today, another overlooked set that was brought to my attention by Akros. I’m hoping it might be a mashup of the ea500lm and delci. I liked the Delci a lot but it wasn’t quite a home run to me on that upper end so I can’t bring myself to buying another one. The ODO dongle is said to have some extra oomph which the Whizzer apparently needs. For $5, I’m gonna call it a #winning before it arrives.


quick follow up:

Of my many rough attempt at humour posts, the audio takes make me cringe most, so will just quickly add - SM4 wow, what a quality set, so coherent, didn’t want to take them off. However, musicality in comparison goes to Cinno, which while lacking a little sub-bass heft does add warmth yet maintaining clarity up top. My pref. Sadly, I do detect what I understand as ba timbre and does not compete in the same league against the incredibly coherent and clear stage of SM4. No nozzle flange on the SM4 - very annoying. Overall, the EA500LM bridges the gap of these two sets in tuning character, comfort and tech (LM driver putting in the work) so it’s still my pick over both of them (in stock form). How about that huh?

Some personal takeaways:
Pinna gain in isolation - In a n=1 situation, I’ll take more info but otherwise meh.
In lifting the very low and very upper end, seem to want to artificially achieve a certain speaker like experience but while close (#cope) doesn’t seem to quite get there ever in this form factor. But it’s still great (#cope).

Still have the bgvp dx7 earbud staring back from the cart, but not sure about getting it. Rumour has it, if you say “earbuds” three times in a mirror, the ground opens up and the person is never seen again. Happy Listening.


Holy fucking shit! This set exceeded my damn expectations for a set that is under 99USD. What the hell Letshuoer? I never thought you would be this good of a set and I didn’t freaking know you were cooking hard with the tuning, sounds, technicalities and quality of this IEM. With that said, Letshouer, I apologize for I was not familiar with your game, now I am. My god this hobby man, I love it so much except for the fact that it can get quite expensive and I just recently got the EA1000s few months ago. I gotta take a break but wow, this set is a surprise to me.


Bye bye Sonos Connect (it’s not your fault it’s the total fucking car-crash of a new controller app that forced this) , hello WiiM Pro Plus.

Edit: shoutout to Peter Tyson audio who honoured a price match for £169 :+1:


a sh!7 load of RC aircraft related stuffs. :smiley: