What did you buy today? (Part 2)

We have special powers 🤷 have you got a minute to talk about Mangird Tea?

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Oh trust me I’ve had to not pull so many triggers being on this site, I’m torn between getting more sub $1000 stuff or just going Mest and being done but then where’s the fun in that, Res needs to stop with all the photos, killin me

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Go mest first, then mess around for shits and giggles. :slight_smile:

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I like that plan, but @Resolution Variations plus Graphene cable though…

That is a problem. I actually spend a lot of my time getting excited about new items coming to market, reading about them and sharing my experiences and impressions with you guys. I have suffered with depression for years ever since my mom passed away.

Depression did hit me after I had the MEST MKII for a while because I lost the enjoyment and excitement to seek out new IEMs. I did not purchase the MEST MKII with the intention of it ending my IEM search but it did do that unintentionally. I just could not get excited about looking forward to something new when I knew I was probably going to be let down because I already had something “superior” and throwing money away for no reason.

In the end, if you only care about attaining the best the hobby has to offer, from everything I’ve heard, the MEST MKII is my recommendation. But if you enjoy the hunt, you might want to avoid it until you’re really ready.

I’m doing better now because I’m in a different mind set and I do not want my hobby to end just because I have what might be my end-game set. I still enjoy hearing new sets like Mele and I’m looking to add complimentary sets to my collection like the Variations and Up. Both fantastic sets that I wouldn’t want to live without because they do something different than the MEST MKII.


oh i hear ya, i love the forums, just seeing what everybody is experiencing, getting excited over purchases. I go back and forth because of the loss from selling so in my mind it’s like well if i know what i want i might as well go for it instead of losing money when trying to sell, BUT i like the collection aspect of it ( i have 8 headphones, 5 iems) Ive had many and sold many, favorite being the Clear OG pros.

Can definitely understand the depression aspect, im not really ready to move on to higher end sources and dacs, i can see the losing the fun from new stuff coming out. When Covid hit, i was supposed to play a show and then everything got canceled, stopped producing, kinda lost my will in a sense, but having found the forum i started enjoying music again and went from 2 headphones i had for years to a collection.

I think you have found a niche here though with your photography and helping people out.

Ya so im looking at companion sets now, and Variations are looking like it, was all on the Clair/Monarch train but if i can get there with some savings for a Subbass set then that seems like a better choice.


You can’t go wrong with the Variations especially as a companion set when you have a sub-bass urge. You’ll be drowning is sub-bass bliss.

My set…


Ugh this aesthetic, thats the photo that did it for me, i need i need

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Mele and K’s LBBS have arrived


paper airplane launcher



It’s soooooo pretty.


Had hours of fun with my children with one of these.

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I did a thang…

Do you see it?


Are you adopting a son or have a plan to adopt one? I am ready :sunglasses:


Are they steel toed? :laughing:
If you drop something heavy and hard you better be precise…

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Continuing on my earbud journey…


Guess I didnt need to worry huh, 2 day shipping



Yeah, everything worked out.

That is a very nice picture of them.

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Finals came in, not sure what to expect coming from Spinfits