What did you buy today? (Part 2)

A lot less hot-glue than I would have expected.
Components are what I expected though.

Chinesium is Chinesium :man_shrugging:

There was this prediction:

And mine:

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The 11.11 code was all I needed to push me - delighted to support TGX Ears by buying a Serratus. :heart:

Hopefully this’ll keep me from messing about with open-back headphones.


ordered mine right before the sale but they were nice enough to refund the 11%, just got a tracking number so hoping to get it by the end of the week

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Jim is as nice as nice people come!


snagged a A90D… 2 day shipping, I’ll probably wait until next year for a DAC upgrade though



Kiiboom Allure
Seems to be a Thieaudio Elixir with a different branding.


Well that’s interesting? :face_with_monocle:

Has anyone heard these or the hybrid they have listed on their pag named Evoke? I can’t find any reviews of them, but they look interesting.

Not that I know. I guess they are too new as company that anybody knows about them. Google cache shows a version from 17.10.22. May be the release date of this IEM.

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So did you order a pair of the Allures?

Sure that’s what this thread’s purpose is.

Lol just making sure! If I’m being honest, I thought I was in the IEM discussion when I wrote that. I had taken a phone call and then came back to browsing and forgot that I had switched threads. I know, I’m kinda slow…

Anyways, I’d be interested to read your impressions and thoughts about the Allures. Were you planning on putting up a post or review that I should keep an eye out for? If so, do you have any idea where you’ll be posting about them? I don’t want to miss it when/if you do.

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I’ll post my impressions in IEM discussion when I listened to them. Now playing the waiting game.

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Ian Fann has a upcoming review


Thanks for the heads up! I’ll keep an eye out for yours when the time comes. Here’s to hoping we’re about to get another competetive IEM manufacturer to add to the mix :beers: :crossed_fingers:! They know how to make their IEMs look good at least…:wink:

Hawt ~ :hot_face:


Blur 266 MX150 aPs v2 Retune 150Ω earbuds in 2.5mm balanced. I arranged a trade for a tgxear Serratus the other day so once these two buds get to me I will have scratched the last two immediate itches I have for boutique earbud manufacturers I want to try. Although, the last one I wanted to try, Cypherus Audio, worked out so well that I ended up with three of them so I guess I’m not out of the woods yet lol! Anyways, I’m really looking forward to hearing what Blur and tgx have to offer since they both get such praise in the earbud community.


Yasss Serratus, finally!! Let us know what you think :slight_smile:


Will do for sure. I should have the Serratus on Friday if I’m lucky, but Saturday at the latest. The Blur us on its way, but it’s being shipped internationally so it will be a bit longer before I get my hands on those. As I said, these are really the last two earbud makers I have had immediate plans for trying and I’m stoked that I’ll basically be getting them back to back.