What did you buy today? (Part 2)

A wood and brass IEM with a 1DD 2EST setup :question:

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Well my day is basically already over but it’s here now


Love my A90D that and the J2 AKM were end game for me.

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hoping it’ll be my endgame for at least a few years lol

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After years of almost buying these, I finally pulled the trigger!


Any chance you’ve owned or heard the 770s or 1770s? If so, I’d love to read a comparison between either one and these. If not, I’d still be down to read impressions if you’re down to post them. Also, any particular reason why you held off on 177x for so long? What finally made you pull the trigger?

I do own a pair of 770s that I modded with a 4pin XLR cable.
I don’t use them much, but happy to do a comparison!

When I was picking my current headphones, my two main choices were the 177x and the E-MU Teaks, and I ended up going with the Teaks. They have been my go-to headphones since. They are probably the best headphones I’ve owned so far. But lately I’ve been wanting to try something else. The 177x seem to fit the profile, my Teaks’ headband just got f’d (I think I can fix it, but it won’t be easy), and drop has a 20% discount on the 177x, so here we are :stuck_out_tongue:

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Awesome! I’ll keep an eye out for your comparison post. As for the choice between the Teaks and the 177x, I own the Teaks as well and they are a very good pair of headphones so I can’t fault you there at all. The only reason I asked was because I find it interesting to hear the little vignettes behind decisions like these so thanks for himoring me. I hope you dig your new headphones!

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Sleeve for my headphone cable. Wanted to get an aftermarket cable but I’m really happy with this cheap little mod.


did the sleeving add microphonics?

nope, no microphonics at all


Thanks to mobileaudiophile team and my wallet :smile:

Now is the moment they meet HFGS


I just bought that album (Giant Steps)!

My HD800S got me into classical and Jazz… Giant Steps was considered a “must listen” for noobs to Jazz like myself :grin:


I enjoy a Love Supreme and recently picked up Blue Train. Not a Huge Coltrane fan, but he has some really great stuff.


Come and See (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray] Amazon.com

Couldn’t find this on my streaming services, so I ordered it. Read that it’s a powerful film…

Coltrane is the reason I chose to play tenor sax instead of alto in elementary school even though it was harder to reach with little hands. I still pick up my tenor way more often than my alto when I feel like making some music, but want to take a break from drums. Gotta love the Trane! :sunglasses:


New setup~Topping L70 Geshelli J2 purple /yellow. Sounds pretty rad🫠


What chip did you get with your J2. Love the AKM version

I’m determined to find out what the planar hype is all about :nerd_face:


I bought this a couple days ago, cant wait to pick it up from the store. Its gonna safe me a lot of money in hifi purchases.