What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Thanks, man. I was going to go for the MM-500, but that was a longer haul of saving, and I’m not convinced that my ear will agree with that set based on the feedback I have seen/read.

I am very excited. :rofl:

Wow, They look fantastic…What are they called?
You guys know all the headphones by heart I don’t follow headphone trends…
They look expensive…:laughing:

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That is the HE1000 V2 Stealth from HiFIMAN. I think for me this is pretty much end game as far as headphones go. And I’m OK with that!


Congrats on the TOTL cans @Raptor168 …I hope you enjoy them as much as I did when I decided to splurge on my Atriums…I have got to the point with them that I really don’t need any other cans…I know that sounds like blasphemy especially on a headphone forum :rofl: I hope they turn out to be your endgame.

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Had to buy a security camera because someone kept messing with my flag. Had come home one day to find the poll had been pulled out and had been thrown on the ground with the ground with with the flag.

On another note, my roommates finally got in my (very) belated birthday present.


Holy crap! You went and did a thing!!! Huge congrats, guy. Can’t wait to hear
of your adventures with them.
And all I bought today was an A. Ninja cable for my Sundaras. LOL

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Thanks, Tim. I’m still trying to figure out what happened, exactly! :laughing: As you know, I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. Of everything considered, this made the most sense as the next move, given the opportunity presented. It all happened very fast.

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Technically not a “purchase,” but still worth sharing here: today I made a cardboard holder for my phone, to help ensure my music doesn’t breach 80 DB.

Nothing like being able to enjoy music without the risk of hearing loss :headphones:

For inspiration, see this video.


Awesome buy!!! So what I have to recommend is grabbing a pair of dekoni elite fenestrated sheep skin pads. Way more comfortable than stock and to my ears evened out bass response.


At the opposite end of high roller land, I picked up a new to me set of headphones today: The ATH-R70X’s.


Those cool individual headband appendages give me a Lost in Space vibe… Or maybe something later like Total Recall…:+1:


I always wondered about them. Turns out that they are Very comfortable, at least on my head.


They look retro/ultra modern… Definitely something someone from Europe would design. I see a Hans with his hands on the design process…:smiley: Super cool…

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Ananda Nano


@Dobbs and they’ve been around for a while; I have an old pair of Audio Technica A700s from ~2006 and they had the “wings” back then. Super comfy IMO.


I have Never had a pair of headphones sit this gently on my head.


Moonriver Ti I bought after demoing at the store. It was a dream come true for me being a mini DX300 sound wise.


I was thinking they looked like you could wear them all day if you wanted to. Very cool, Shane! Looking forward to your impressions of them.

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Cooking and chilling!

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Zeos’s Rinko
Edit: I would also say Spinfit W1 tips but the box was empty thanks Hifigo