What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Was running low and decided it was time to try something new. Budget is a bit tighter, and went with a couple relatively cheaper options. I’ve got some time off, and have some time to kill. Time for a listening session with something new to drink.


Yours were like ten times more money than mine. :laughing:

The sound is not bad. Good with rock music. Not the most detailed and a little sharp on horn work. Loved them with 50 years of Alligators Records and some Two Feet today.

Anchored to my chair through the weekend and will also be doing some comparisons.

Really looking forward to hearing more about yours.

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Finally after buying a couple of sneakers these recent months, I am able to diversify it now by just getting this P3 SSD. Yeah I know, it’s not a 970 EVO Plus nor it is an SX8200 Pro, but it will get the job done on what I need for my PC, which is storage.

Though I think I should have had settled with the P3 Plus but oh well, at least I got what I wanted.


ATH-AD500X are probably my most comfortable pair. Been thinking about upgrading/replacing them with the R70x’s for a while, but the 500x’s were my first non-gamery headphone.

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Welcome Anthony…:grinning:

Decided to rejoin the Focal gang :sunglasses:


That’s a very nice amp, good sir :eyes:

Thank you, good sir! It’s the centerpiece of my setup.

Within the next few years, I plan on pairing it with the Diana V2 and KEF LSX II. Gotta dream big, right? :sunglasses:


Finally got myself the Arya Stealth and good lord yall…
Unfortunately had to replace the HD800s, but I think I made the right choice.


Overhaul from the Linsoul June event arrived today. Part of this is for present, but still want to see how these sound.
Edit: of course I forget the picture :sweat_smile:


Started wanting to play PS1 games. Went from wanting Retroid plus, then Ambernic, then Ayn Odin Lite, then ROG Ally because of the top specs.

However Steam Summer sale’s 20% discount on Steam Deck is too cunning.

No regret. This and RSV are clearly the best purchases I had this year.


Got another set of headphones in today. The planar Quad ERA-1’s.
Nice sound and a GIANT headband. :grin:

SO much easier to drive than the HiFiman’s. :laughing:


Very cool! I just wonder about that headband. It reminds me too much of the XS headband, which I have an extreme dislike for. It will be interesting to hear how they are for you from a comfort perspective.

Oh yeah, and there is the whole “How do they sound” thing… :laughing:

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I like the sound, but I am coming off the HiFiman HE6se V2’s. I had to turn everything WAY down. Nice sound, but not quite as dynamic as the V2’s, at least so far. Still have to adjust to a new sound signature.

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Nanna’s in the house!!!


Nice! Hopefully they will sound as good as they look for you. Way to go, @ZeosPantera !

They are pretty good so far, waiting for the dynamic to break in and Id put money on it that the bass has a bigger presentation.

Eddie Current Lunch Box II. Not made any more as far as I know, so when one popped up on Head-Fi, I jumped on it. Isn’t it the most adorable little amp you’ve ever seen, lol?


I was looking at it when it was listed as well…I have to ask how does it sound?

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I’m actually kind of shocked at how good it is. Minus the noise issues it has, which are very noticeable. First thing I checked was turning the volume up with nothing playing. Not only can you hear noise from the pot itself, past ~11 o’clock on low and ~10 o’clock on high there is audible hum. So no IEMs on this amp.

Back to how it sounds though, I need to caveat and say that my DAC has a rather hot output of 3.5V on the RCAs. I had some time with both the 2022 Utopia and the HD660s2 last night. You wouldn’t think that a little amp like that would be a good match for the Utopia, but I was pleasantly surprised. Was there a lot of detail that was missing that I normally hear? Sure. But things just sounded good. There was more weight to things. The bass hit harder and notes lingered. I might just have to try to get my hands on a Studio T if one comes up for sale, if this is what Eddie Current amps sound like.