What did you buy today? (Part 2)

I don’t even have a table but this was a must

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So this happened.
Im downscaling my HT setup and these are the new downscaled rear channels…
From 3 way in to 2 way but… they are exactly the same sized.
Have 10W less power play 1db louder and 1Hz difference at FR.

I might have misunderstood the meaning of downscaling lol

(well the main speaker are on sale so, the old rear speakers will be future Mains :kissing_heart:)
ps. i did clean the plate after few pretests and cable installments.


Not the player but the stand.
3D Modelled in Freecad by yours truly and CNC machined by a company in Sheffield UK from walnut.
Sits on 4 isolate feet and metal caps are cheap escutcheon blanks.


Scored a pair of ISN EST50s for a great price. I’ve been wanting to try these bad boys out for quite some time, but something else always came up first. Then I saw these for sale and went for it. Looking forward to them showing up.

I also bought a pair of Sennheiser HD6XX to use as a modification platform so we’ll see how that goes. I have some ideas for sure.


Not an HP guy, sold my HD660’s because I wasn’t really sure I liked ‘em even on OTL…thinking the 650 or 6xx might be a better option :man_shrugging: kinda scooping out a pair of Beyer T1 gen 2’s instead :smiley:… Enjoy the modification process though man :smiley:

New to me 109 Pro’s:


Woo! First new headphone purchase in over two years. Hifiman Arya Organic.
Of all Hifiman’s I’ve tried, this one has the most enjoyable tuning. Though I haven’t tried the Arya Stealth.


I have heard nothing but good about these. I have looked hard at Arya’s over the years, but the cost pushed me away and I ended up getting the HE6se V2’s. The V2’s are great, if you have the right amp, which I luckily did.

But now the Organics are getting praised by everybody. Be sure to post your thoughts.


I don’t do open backs enough to justify big bucks of the Arya’s, but I still love the HE400SE. I think I paid $110 for them.


Didn’t really purchase them, but I am being presented with my own signature line of cymbals today. I’ve never had a signature linenwith a major manufacturer so this is pretty huge for me. I’m WAY stoked to say the least. They still won’t be for sale to consumers for a few months, but still… I’m all giddy :joy:


Just got my K702 (240USD / 3.700.000 IDR Thanks tax) and oh my god the stage is amazing.


idk why pricing for these is all over the place I got mine new for $120ish, yet AKG direct sells them overpriced af

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I’m ready for tooby goodness for the modhouse tungsten.


@Etroze86 How do you like it so far?? I have heard nothing but good things about it.

Tungsten are still probably a week out from being delivered but so far the amp is great. Still need to try it in triode mode but in ultra linear, it’s pretty resolving for a tube amp.



New headphone stand and a 4.4 cable for the SJY Moonlight.


Didn’t buy today, but did receive today. Yet another Hart cable, this time for Meze 109 Pro’s.
And of course a day before I receive it, Hart announces a fourth birthday sale with 20% off. :roll_eyes: Story of my life.

I got the Hifiguides discount anyway. And it turns out that I really didn’t need them as the regular Hart 3.5mm cable fits just fine. :laughing:


I bought a 2004 4Runner to build a rockcrawler from since I sold my last one. I build them, sell them, and then build a new one as a project.

I also purchased a InfiRay Outdoor Rico HD 1280 2X 75mm night vision scope used at a ridiculously good price in lieu of the cash owed to me for whooping ass on a bet at the range. This thing is about as bad ass as a civilian can get these days. I can’t wait to go up to my ranch on Sunday and see what I can do with it.


And the myth/legend showed up today and damn they are good.


I finally took the plunge and upgraded my solid state amp…The funny thing is I was really close to pulling the trigger on the Mjolnir 3 but they are on back order until November…It was a day or two later that Drop announced the V222 for $949. They will pair very good with my Atrium…

I am also going to upgrade my dac…The obvious pairing from what I have read is the BF 2/64…I do have a question for the Violectric owners here…Have any of you guys paired them with a Gumby and how did it sound?