What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Fosi P3 arrived today and for $65 seems really well built. Time for burn in and testing with the V3.


Are those the double or single sided?

Single sided, I wanted to have room to upgrade if I felt the need.


Which DAC are you using right now?

I am using my Modius with my Asgard 3 and WA 6ā€¦I have had a few people recommend that pairing the BF 2/64 with the V222 and Atrium is about as good as it gets when it comes to solid stateā€¦I have also read it quite a few timesā€¦The 2/64 also pairs really good with my WA 6ā€¦


I have the BF 2/64, but I have it paired with a Soloist 3XP. It is a good DAC, and I can see why people would pair it with those two amps. If you are looking into getting a used Gungnir I guess the question would be how do the two DACs compare when connected to your amps? The Warranty factor is also a consideration.


From what I have gathered from the research I have done the original ones with the A1 boards made prior to around the middle of 2017 are the usual Schiit sound with there dacsā€¦The A2 boards are a little more leanerā€¦The Gungir is has larger sound stage, is more refined and has better controlled bass from what I have read. It was obviously the next step up between the BF2 and the Yggdrasilā€¦It is going to come down to price to be honestā€¦I know where I want to be price wise with a used Gumby especially if it hasnā€™t had the unison usb upgrade which cost $150 but extends the warranty by 2 yearsā€¦If I canā€™t come close to where I want to be then I will just order a BF 2/64 and call it a day.

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I thought really hard about getting a Gumby but then the gustard R26 came out. That R2R DAC pairs well with most amps Iā€™ve tried.


Agreed. I currently have the Gustard R26 paired with the V222 and itā€™s fantastic. Before that, the R26 was paired with a Topping A90D and that was great too.

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@Etroze86 and @kaeswiss From what I have read and watched the R26 looks like a great dac, but I will be honest I am not going to spend that much on a dac right nowā€¦I want to keep it about half of thatā€¦


Completely fair

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So I got the Aful P5 today. Havenā€™t had enough time with them for a real impression. Initially they do sound fine. I do notice the shells have a little less orange to them, deal breaker right there. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Kidding obviously.


Not bought but made a headphone stand for the tungsten.


Finally the right sneakers that I ordered back then when it was Sept. 15 has arrived. It took a while but at least itā€™s here now, though it could have been avoided if the seller only gave me the one that I exactly ordered instead of that sneaker model that is far off from this. Canā€™t wait to play with these when there is time for me to get on the court.


I bought (For the 3rd time I think) the Sennheiser 560s - completely forgot how great they sound!

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I bought a used pair of Susvaras this morning. Six months old, in mint condition with aftermarket goodies including pelican case for travel and three pairs of unused replacement pads. So far I am getting the best results ampwise from my Paramount Halo JC5, but I feel like thereā€™s more to be had. Any recs for an amp exclusively for the Susvaras for under say $8k? I already have a GS-X Mini, Ferrum Or/Hypsos, and various Parasound speaker amps and none of them have left me feeling like Iā€™m getting the best out of the Sus. I also didnā€™t enjoy them on the Chore Dave.

Edit: should add, I didnā€™t really buy them. I took them as partial trade for a restoration I did on a vintage drum set. But thatā€™s close enough.


I guess you could wait and see how this turns out HeadAmp CFA3 Dynamic/Planar Headphone Amp | HeadAmp


Yeah, I have been waiting to see how this comes out. Iā€™m going tomorrow to try the Susvaras on some of the commonly recd WooAudio amps too.

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The wa23 being one of them?

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Yessir! And WA22, WA6 and itā€™s derivatives, and sundry others.

Edit: So the WA23 would be your rec?