What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Iirc Koji from CMA (reviewer) had the sus set up on two benchmark mono blocks and stated that’s the best he ever heard them. The guys over at mimic audio and double helix cables agree with that statement as well.

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I have two Parasound JC1+ monoblocks that I haven’t tried them on yet. I guess I’ll have to make that a priority this evening.

P.S. Just got an offer from the same guy for a less that one year old pair of Abyss 1266 Phi TC for $2750 cash if I buy them today. Dude is hurting for cash and approached my hifi store’s owner with these offers. Sounds like something I should snap up if for no other reason than to have the experience and easily make my money back if I don’t like it, right? Can anyone think of a reason not to bite?

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I don’t have experience with the 23, and I will be getting my first woo audio amp next year. I will be going for the wa22, but my headphones are not as hard to drive as yours. I was just curious if you were going to demo the wa23.

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Sure thing. Want me to report back with impressions? What headphones do you have? If I own or can borrow a pair I’ll demo the 23 with them for you if you’d like.

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I would love to hear your impressions, but my wallet would not allow me to go for the wa23. The 3 headphones I use regularly as of late are Arya Stealth, SN v1, and Moonlight. The last two respond well to power and others have stated that they sound great on tubes. I will eventually add an HE6se v2 to my collection, but the amp comes first.

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I have the SN v1s myself and I have a pair of HE6SE v1s or HE6 OG six screws I can try with them. I know I can get a pair of Arya Stealth easily because my girl has a pair in her lineup. I don’t think I can get the Moonlights though. I’ll report back after tomorrow evening’s demo sesh.


That’s a definitely bite on deal.

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Don’t bother with the HE6, they sjy sound just as good or get better performance out of an HE1K.

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I have to disagree. I prefer the HE6 six screws I have to the HEKses I used to own and to the SJY SNv1s I currently own. I had them at the same time for back to back comparisons. Though I will acknowledge that I might be in the minority with the HEK comment in particular and obviously YMMV because different strokes for different folks. All three are very good to great headphones, though.

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BTW, I’ll be meeting dude at 10PM at the hifishop to demo them and make sure they’re in the advertised condition and if so and they sound promising, I’m gonna snatch them up. I offered $2600 and he agreed as long as it’s in cash and I purchase tonight. Apparently this guy’s kid just got caught with a bunch of ecstasy and for sales and this is a third trafficking offense which carries some pretty steep penalties so the seller is putting together a defense fund. Personally, if it was my kid’s third time not learning his lesson, I’d be standing on the sidelines letting him get what he has coming to him. I say kid, but he’s 28 yo apparently which is definitely a mature enough age to be handling your own business. Plus, if he had as many pills as his dad says, he should have enough cash to retain a decent attorney if he has a single active brain cell.

Maybe I’m too harsh, but my parents never helped me with my legal problems so the penalties got steep much quicker than they could have and led to me realizing that I wasn’t willing to risk them. That alone shortened my wannabe Pablo Escobar phase by many years and I’m grateful for it to this day.

P.S. Sorry for off topic thread derailment.


I think my opinion is the way it is because I like headphones that stand out to me for one thing or another. HE6sev2 just didn’t do it for me even with different speaker amps. So they sit on a headphone stand waiting for more pads to come in so I can roll some more.

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Glad he’s willing to help his kid but I’m with you, the kid needs some tough love. I mean kid in ever sense of the word because if you aren’t mature enough to figure it out, you’re still a kid lol.
Hopefully it turns out to be a great deal for you.


Sure you don’t want to sell them for $325 shipped as they are? I could use a pair of HE6SE V2s

Let me gather all the parts together, I’d be embarrassed sending them off in the state they are in. Also I got them used so we can exchange some pics so we both know that it’s exactly what you’re looking for.

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Sure. Just PM me the pics and a rundown on any issues and we’ll go from there.

ordered a Z12 to try out, favorite Planar IEM so far is still the Timeless


Let them run for a couple of days. The treble can be a little harsh.

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Just orchestrated a trade for a pair of Mangird Teas (OG) supposedly in very good condition. Can’t wait to give the cult classic a run.

Edit: Changed Mangoes to Mangird. Fuckin’ autocorrect… :man_facepalming:


To cap off one heck of a day of selling and acquisitions, I just picked up the Abyss 1266 TC Phi. They had a few more minor nicks than the seller originally said so I got them for a cool $2400. The short listen I gave them definitely has my interest piqued. Not sure if they’ll end up being my cup of tea, but I can see why they’re well liked for sure. Can’t wait to get some more time on them and experiment with some signal chains. :metal::sunglasses:


Curious what equipment you are going to run them on.

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