What did you buy today? (Part 2)

That’s a nice looking speaker!!!

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The RS6 is really special too. The amp in that sucker just kinda smooths over any harshness in a track.

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My first Simgot.


I’ve wanted one ever since I tried it at a friends house, but never got around to it so this trade was just perfect for me.

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Now you need to go back and buy the EA500 w tuning kit to understand its roots.


Yeah was curious about the EA500, purchased me a tuning kit at AE. I like my EA1000 so far.


Z12 outer sleeve came with a bonus lol (shrink wrap was ripped a bit on arrival and has some mold)


Finally decided to archive my cd’s and dvd’s (maybe) 6 full big boy Case Logics to get through, hopefully this thing doesn’t explode…


Since I am not drinking alcohol for a few weeks now I rewarded myself with these lookers to make sure I am enjoying my water and tea even more :grin::ok_hand:t2:
Next purchase on the list is a reverse osmosis system


Courtesy of an absolute bro deal made possible by @rattlingblanketwoman and @GooberBM, my own pair of 41Ts. I had the chance to demo them a few months back and at first they didn’t click, but I remember the moment when they did. Ever since then, I felt they have a place in my collection, deservingly.

Thanks boys


Seems it’s tea season. Ordered a 28 years old Pu-Erh today because why not.

Regarding Osmosis systems, I can recommend this one here. Works perfectly fine since 3 years. Best kitchen investment ever.

Osmoseanlage Aqua Vita 90 GPD | Filterzentrale

My local tap water here is totally horrible in regards to chalk. I measured around 480 ppm with a water ppm meter. The WHO recommends drinking water should have below 500ppm. WTF?
Since I have this osmosis system my water kettle is perfectly clean. No need to “entkalken” ever.
The ppm now: around 10ppm. :ok_hand:t2: Tea and coffee also tastes better.


Haha nice, thats exactly the osmosis system I was planning to buy! :smiley:
I wanted a mobile solution that i can also use in the van (what i probably never will…BUT I could!! :smiley: )

Enjoy your tea sir!



Dude, I dig that teapot! Very cool. :sunglasses:


What made them click for you? I only got to try them briefly (maybe 10 or 15 min, but they seemed pretty meh to me).


Yes it´s super cool and was pretty affordable from our good Sir Ali…it took quite a while to arrive though, but i knew that before so no problem and well worth the wait, the quality is very good!

That’s a great question, J. I’m not sure how to put it into words but I think the magic for me comes from the laid-back pinna presentation coupled with (IMO) a very nice bass + lowermids. I was telling Brandon this earlier but ironically, on the desktop Amp, these do not sound great at all, they sound compressed with a weirdly claustrophobic sound stage and they lack in details department. But on the BTR7, for whatever reason, they shine. They have a deep soundstage, plenty of vocal texture and energy, and not to mention the bass tightens up. The output impedance is fairly high on the BTR7 but next to nothing on the L30, so that may be at play here.


Interesting. I might have to snag a pair to play around with at some point.


I’d give em another shot, if you can find a pair for the right price, they’re worth it in my opinion. I know that @rattlingblanketwoman might be willing to let his pair go. You should message him!


Right this second, I’m awash in new gear so I think I’m gonna take a break on buying for just a bit, but thanks for the info.


That’s very fair, sometimes, you just have to pump the brakes!