What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Why the hell did I take so long to pick this little guy up? If you enjoy a warm sounding amp and you have a pre, I definitely recommend the xduoo 604


I have one with upgraded tubes I can’t sell but your right amazing little amp!

Tubes will come one day but ran a couple of $2k iems on it and I’m not disappointed at all.

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So anyone here jumping on the new fosi that can be mono blocked?

I purchased a random chifi R2R DAC that I have seen and been intrigued by on AliExpress. I’m not expecting it to be great, but the open build style will make for easy mods and I’m genuinely interested to see what they’ve managed to put together here. For $100 for a discrete R2R DAC that looks like it’s made decently and definitely a good modding platform I just couldn’t say now. Plus, I had some credit because AE gave me $65 on a future purchase after a fraud incident. So it really only cost me about $35 and the tax so about $42. I can’t wait for the fun times that this is sure to bring.



For $99, it was a hard no.

For $69, it was a no, but I can make an argument for it.

For $39? If you like a warm, balanced tuning and aren’t afraid of a little midbass, you’re not beating Ormosia now


I admit, I didn’t bought this entirely on my own for I have requested a bit of help in order to get this beast of a CPU for the AM4 architecture. I am not gonna be even modest about it, for this is the best early Christmas gift that I have ever gotten this year, and I am forever grateful towards to my loved ones who have gladly helped me with this.

At some point, I wish I can repay them for such gratitude.


Well, so much for buying a WA-22 next year. I couldn’t resist the itch to snatch a Mjolnir 3 :sweat_smile:
For what it would have cost me for the WA-22 + power cable + tubes, I will be buying a Mjolnir 3 and eventually a Modhouse Tungsten. My wallet is crying right now :rofl:


Congratulations! This one got my attention as well. That’s a big boy, man! A good portion of that is power supply, though, so I understand why the large footprint. I will be very eager to read your impressions of it.

I have this feeling it’s gonna be good… like, really good! :ok_hand:t2:

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The Sonus Faber Lumina II speakers have arrived. Got here late yesterday. I have installed them and have had a very brief session. A writeup is coming in the appropriate equipment thread after I get a bit more time with them. But I can say that right out of the box, I am blown away. @Etroze86 These speakers are so much better looking in person than in the pictures. :+1:t2:


From reading other peoples posts regarding their experience with the amp, It seems to trade blows with higher end amps. I will be sure to post my impressions in the Mjolnir 3 thread once I have some time with the amp. Shipping of the next run starts next month. Holding off on placing my order for the Tungsten until I pay off the amp. Orders don’t start up for the Tungsten until next month anyway. Leaning towards the double magnet version though.

Congrats on your new speakers!

Rockville stands came in today, really impressed for what you get for $70 in terms of build quality. Doing a complete white themed overhaul in the studio, step one complete…


Man I hope so cause their marketing team makes them look very uninteresting with the grills on.

To me, they are beautiful. Traditionally I have been one who never regarded audio gear (speakers in particular) as artful or furniture. They were speakers, and my sole focus was on function. These completely change that. They are incredible looking with the grills on to be sure. But when you remove them… Wow. the craftsmanship and attention to detail is astounding. I actually stopped the install and took some moments to just look at them. That has not happened before for me.

My apologies, I should save this for the writeup! But I wanted to give you a sense of how these speakers present. They are stunning.


Awesome man!!! Glad they are pulling your eye like that. For me speakers either need to just blend into the background or be over the top gorgeous.

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Step 2 in the white studio overhaul…


Nathan while updating his studio


lol im gonna add this to my google sheets doc of all the ideas, it’s terrible

Long overdue purchase.


Doing a Squig is pretty easy if that is what you are thinking about.