What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Check out miter cases on Amazon. I’ve been pretty happy with their quality in the past.

they do look a lot better, but they don’t seem to come with a belt clip :frowning:
I suppose it wouldn’t be too hard to attach one though… I’ll give this one some time, maybe get back to the miters down the road, thanks

They are definitely well built and if you find good glue or get creative with a key chain you’ll be able to do what you want.

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My sister is here to visit and I was going to mod her Koss KPH30i with grado pads, but somehow she… lost… the 3,5 jack. I don’t even…

Anyway, that means I just ordered me a new jack:

And new pads for her Bose Quiet Comfort 25 because she equally mysteriously lost the padding on the inside of her already replaced pads… And if you ear touches the inside it now starts screaming like a banshee. I hope replacing the inner lining is all it will take to tame that, it gets painfully loud.

*** edit ***
it fixed the screaming. I’m guessing it has to to with the ANC? and adding the padding stops it from messing up.


Generally chill set, but I’m getting some sibilance (usu. in vocal fricatives) up top depending on the genre. Even with that quibble, I vastly prefer this to the Z12 and my attempts to tune it to my preferences. I’ll give the IEM some more days to brain/burn-in.

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Shoutout to @ToneDeafMonk for highlighting these, just got home to them today:

Impressions to follow once I’ve had time with them.
Edit: Immediate notes: these are among the lightest things I have ever felt for their size, and the fit is nigh-immaculate out of the box in my ears.

Time will tell if there’s any hotspots, but nothing immediately jumps out. The isolation is above average as well with just the stock silicone tips. They feel like they sit a little deeper than the average “pseudo-custom” fit and may actually be a good match for those who like to wear IEMs while lying down (which I don’t recommend, but you do you). The tuning will take some getting used to (as the only “reference” unit I have on hand is Storm lol) but everything seems well represented and the imaging is pretty solid on some rudimentary listening. While some details and cues seem a little subdued, I think that’s because I’m used to listening to boosted treble and mids. Bass is decent but again I need time and adjustment to the tuning to properly judge.


Nice congratulations, I needed a brighter cable my favorite our group found was the IVIPQ 5N Sterling Silver Palladium cable.

What you need is some time on them and wrap your head around the stage one minute your playing the triangle on stage as part of the band next song your in the nosebleeds.

We all found we needed to relearn tips and sizes generally we went down a size.

Enjoy it’s a cool set. Next up I think Simon is working on a few hybrids single DD and 4 Sonion BA.

Alix seems to be down ATM
Ask for TDM discount I pay about $65 for this cable on Sale


Getting the Fenge stand put together and setup this morning, in the before room, I think will go nicely in the white room next week…


Arrived today from trip and a few things were waiting for me.

After being sent back and fort between Brazil and US, and about 3 or 4 months of waiting, finally the new amp arrived. Peachtree Nova 150 should cover me for a long time, and although they’re overkill for the BR02, any upgrades should be fine in the speaker area.

Also, hoping these suede pads will help with the heat. This K371 can get pretty toasty on the ears, and with summer coming this can get really annoying.

Finally, no foto but got a Truthear Hola courtesy of @MrAyrit. It took a long time for them to come but I should listen to them and have some impression soon.


Congrats on the Peachtree Nova. Looking forward to getting your impressions of it.

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Sourced from the good man JayAudio.


It’s time to say farewell to my ADATA SX8200 Pro for she is in need of a break and an another owner needs her now more than me. With this one, I must say with Windows 11 installed along with Chris Titus’ Utility tool used, my god it’s much faster. Also my first ever Samsung SSD because back in the day, I wasn’t able to get one of these.


I need to upgrade the SSD on my laptop ( and my wife’s ). I am always reluctant because of how long it always seems to take to get everything setup on the new one.

Some of that is probably PTSD from a swap were I had slow IO due to the wrong northbridge driver. Did you install from a fresh Windows 11 download? How bad was the reinstall?

Pick up a set of Meze Audio Advar and loving them!


Make sure you have the latest firmware on the 980 Pro…It is easy to check and update. You just use the Samsung Magician program…Older versions of the firmware were known to lessen the life of the drive or make it fail.

The utility @K4sh1ma mentioned (The Ultimate Windows Utility) is really good for doing the initial setup of a windows install. Between the software mass installs, telementry shutoffs, and windows update tweaks it does ~90% of stuff I would want to do very easily.

Fresh windows install from MSFT media creation tool is the way to go imo, get rid of that vendor bloatware they love to put on laptops/prebuilts.


Yeah I did the usual stuff when it comes to creating a media tool by using Rufus. And of course just to make sure during the installation process, set the language and region to English World for it apparently removes all of the bloat that comes along with when you use a specific language for the operating system.

After the installation, immediately went to the Terminal, used the Ultimate Windows Utility tool and bam, a new start. I am bit disappointed on Windows 11 for it forced me to use it since the support for 10 is ending for like after 2 years which sucks, then again if Microsoft’s Windows 12 is much worse, that might force to switch to Linux and hope that most of the games that I have can be ran by it at some point, because I think 11 would be my last OS from them.

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I actually prefer Linux for most things, but gaming is the reason I have a Windows machine. Redhat is also doing dumb things with Linux licensing lately, but at least that is a competitve space with options.


Today has been a good day, finally getting closer to being done, desk came in along with the stand now in place. Today I bought a Panasonic UB820P to try out along with finally deciding on my monitor, LG C3 42”, really happy with how everything has turned out so far. Mac Studio and some other upgrades later.


Shit dude, that looks siiiick I’m definitely jealous!