What did you buy today? (Part 2)

I mean… how could I not? :triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph:


hmpf, did just buy recently a mj3 but now did see a Vio V280FE for a really good price and couldnt resist :sweat_smile: :joy:


How do they compare?

I’m in the bracket that ships sometime this November so can’t tell right now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Don’t get mad at redhat get mad at IBM :wink:

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Nothing. Not even a $2 phone case.

Take that 11.11!



Time to bring back the old what did you not buy thread that hasn’t had a post in a year with the state of the 11.11 sales this time around.

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I got an SMSL DL200 and Topping A30 Pro on the AliExpress 11/11 sale for $290 after coupons, coins, and stacking 3 percent cash back in the credit card for both(!). There’s some great deals if you hit the big coupons on a discounted item.


Not much of interest to find in Linsoul this 11.11 sale. That’d be all. Thanks.


Now that is what I call a discount lol


The ICELAB Prismatica finally arived after months of waiting. Apperently my unit comes with the “upgraded” wax guard that is supposed to be transparent. Seems to be slightly slower and more analog sounding than the demo unit which has me slightly disapointed but I will have to see how it sounds after a couple of days of break in.

Sound is a wide V low pinna with a tastefully done 6khz dip for anti sib. The important part though is how fast everything sounds. It has the consitancy of a good single DD with the speed of a planar but apperently its a 5BA setup.

Key colouration would be the boosted lower mids/upper bass which gives a meatyness/romanticness to everything while the control makes it such that it never gets muddy. Although its very unforgiving in that it conforms to the sound signature to your soruce like a glove and will reveal both the good and bad of the chain.

Currently using the Silicon only tips as it gives a dry textered sound. The symbio tips that it comes with as well wets the sound significantly which I’m not a fan off.

It generally works with all genres due to its DD sounding BA including hip hop which is interesting.So far due to the tastefuly done anti sib I dont think there is any song that sounds particuarly bad on it.


Bought some NiceHCK cables on 11.11 Sale for very cheaply!
4 Cables for 50€ is insane😅!


also deliverd today, a OG Campfire Andromeda. Mint condition at a really good price (290€)…they look gorgeous, i really dig the Industrial design of the shells. Im curious how they sound😎


Bling for the Twilights - but coming customised with black hardware (:crossed_fingers:)


Audeze LCD3 and TIMSOK ts316 on there way…damn sales


The TIMSOK ts 316 is on my radar, so please share any impressions.

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Definitely I don’t have any single DD besides the tiny final audio e4000 so should be interesting.

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I have done a thing today… And I am not sure if it was a logical one.

Actually I was quite happy in the flathead Earbud realm. It was the Rikubuds Berserker 1 that made me sell my hifiman Arya.

Was curios and tried a few headphones (Meze 109, Sony MV1, Sivga Luan, Austrian Audio X65) all of them I didn’t keep long.

Even tried again a few IEM (Fh15<EST 112 < raptgo bridge <IE600, liking order). Never was a huge fan of IEMs but every now and then I try them to find out why the whole world is so crazy about them. The IE600 I still have but got curios about the BQEYZ wind for Soundstage reasons(IEM and Soundstage, I know…). Actually I planned a shot off between the IE600 and the Wind. The winner would face a focal bathys that I have since a few weeks but barely listened to yet. Only the winner of it should stay.

Sometimes I thought I just should get the HD800 again (that I already owned 2 times). The price drop with the new HE-1000 stealth got me tempted. Same goes for the Heddphone 2.

So why the Empyrean 2 now? Not sure, maybe a little bit of hype train from dms, Josh and Resolve videos. “Best Meze so far” "best headphone overall (until 2 days later the Abys video came, lol) “I could settle on this”…

Guess I don’t have much to lose. Either they will be the best thing I ever owned and I can rest for some time or I can sell them again without a big loss (hopefully) due to the discount price I got them for.

I will not get them directly, seller says there are not so many units available for the German market. Perhaps I come to my senses in the waiting time, think “what have I done?” and sell them again unopened. Would not be the first time I do something like this but never in this price region before.

Guess I should upgrade my source, using these with an Fiio BTR7 feels wrong. On the other hand they said a Moondrop Dawn Pro would already be enough.


So far the TS316 is a pretty good sounding iem. Very coherent sound, on tubes the stage is wider than my ears but vocals remained pinned dead center. Bass is very natural sounding and can dig pretty low. Mids are pulled back a hair but I really had to listen hard for it . Treble can get spicy on poorly recorded music so it’s a slight v shaped sound. I definitely can recommend them specially if you find them on sale.