What did you buy today? (Part 2)

The guy was like yeah I can clown you for buying a SATA SSD instead of the M.2 NVMe one. I am like dude, look I just wanted to replace my old Seagate Barracuda HDD that I have since 2015, and my other m.2 slot is already being used by my Crucial P3 and I already have the 980 Pro as my primary for my OS. I think it’s much better for me to leave the PCMR server now, there are just people who are way too fucking toxic like come on, the needs you have for your rig is not the same as the needs that I have for my rig.


Ye you run into those type of people where ever you go. I know in the balisong community, there are people who absolutely trash trainer blades and tell new people that if they do not flip live blades they should not join the community. Like how you actually straight face tell like a 13 year old to get a sharp knife, its basically a hobby of playing around with something and kids are going to go to places where stuff like that would not be allowed. Also it honestly isn’t “manly” to stand over a sink and take a picture of a giant cut after basically playing fidget spinner with a blade.

Anyways I bought a new trainer balisong to use. Its supposedly a machinewise prysma clone but its pink and not as good. Definitely wanna see how it compares to others around the price range.


2 items I ordered have arrived this week.

First one is the Ziigaat Nuo and this is my first time owning a pair from Ziigaat and in terms of first impressions? Is this really 20USD? In terms of the sounds I am getting from it it’s not the case for I feel like it could compete with the likes such as the EA500. This hobby man, still surprises me to this day.

Second one is the Anta Shockwave 5, feels good on my feet and I have yet to play in them. Might try and play some pickup games later if my pals are up for the usual good ol’ hoops. Don’t have access to indoor unfortunately but at least these are durable for outdoors.


Got the Hifiman HE-R10D and they’re pretty good. Less treble peak than the DT770 250 ohm but in gaming the bass starts showing a little distortion during heavy explosions, similar to the Amiron Home and DT880 600 ohm at times. I like it more than the Audivina, and at $349 open box it’s a sane value for money. I’ve had the DT700 Pro X and would take them over these though. The 6.35mm cable is microphonic but the others aren’t. Hifiman did a good job for a dynamic driver though. Shopping for a matching clown nose to wear during Zoom/Skype calls…


Yeah, that is a surprising set at the price. It doesn’t feel cheap like a lot of sets in that range and sounds pretty good. Great for a nice looking beater/EDC set or gift.


All the dac/amp I could reasonably ever need on a killer deal?!?

Say hello to my little friend, SMSL DL200


My Black Friday/Cyber Monday orders have come as a combined delivery. :grinning:

During the recent sale period, 11.11 → BF/CM, I earned about $32 AliExpress credit and also a $30 coupon by playing one of the AE app games. I was familiar with the game so it didn’t require brain power but was bombarded with ads and the phone battery died much faster. Nothing comes without a price, I reckon.

I’ve got be careful with my money and shouldn’t be using the AE app for stress relief as I have Wysa installed. I just can’t get out of this love-hate relationship with the app… :face_exhaling:


That’s my kind of fun, a telezoom with (semi)macro capabilities!
So smol, So cute :heart_eyes: so sharp! I love it already… Now please give me some light to really test it out


Got a bunch of stuff in, the short summary after trying them all back to back:
7hz X Crinacle Zero thin male vocals, not as good as the others
7hz X Crinacle Zero 2: Excellent vocals and treble, bass is less resolving
ZiiGaat NUO: Best, most detailed bass I’ve heard in an IEM, male vocals can be a little hot but not shouty.
Truthear Zero Blue: Terrific all around, vocals, piano, violin all great.
Moondrop Chu 2: Female vocals have less presence, least resolving, but much more fun for gaming than expected. Good all around except less impact for vocals. Casual listening fun.

Nuo best for EDM and Hip Hop by a mile.
Zero 2: Hands down the best if low bass detail not your deal breaker.
Truthear Zero Blue: All around performance, can’t go wrong.

Out of all of them, I’m keeping the 7hz X Crinacle Zero:2 I don’t have that many bass heavy songs, and everything else sounds so good, more resolving than the Zero blue. Going to keep the Ziigaat also, the bass blows everything away with quality and just the right quantity. I wish all headphones and IEMs had bass this good.


I didn’t buy my Bifrost 2/64 today, but I have had it for a few weeks now…I received it while I was on the mend from my surgery. I was always in the camp that a dac is a dac and boy was I wrong about that…I have now got to spend some time with it and the differences between it and my Modius are night and day…It has a wider, taller and blacker sound stage…The instrument separation is more noticeable. I am very happy with the purchase…


Now this on the other hand I just bought and will be receiving it on Tuesday. I planned on buying a new one but got a really good deal on a used one that is around a month old with 25 hours on it. I am still upset about the whole Violectric V222 debacle with Drop, but I think I am going to be beyond happy with this…This should be the end game solid state amp for me.


That’s a great amp. Love mine!

Picked up some Diana suede bass ported pads to compare to the leather bass ported and Kimber Select Hybrid USB cable.


Not an audio purchase but a game changer all the same. My ice cream obsession will not go back to paying so much for ice cream, thanks to the Ninja Creami. First thing I ever made was cookies ’n cream, and it’s pretty delicious!!! 10/10 will do it again. Full recommendation!


I really can’t wait until I get it…I am looking forward to hearing it…It should be my endgame solid state amp for a long time to come.


I got the Koss KPH40 Utility a few days ago to try these and as another type of headphone to add to the collection. After letting them “settle in” for about 20 hours, they sound pretty good so far after testing a variety of sources and material. No pad upgrades yet but have the yaxi and dekoni pads in the wish list.

I figured I’d go down the line and try the KPHi30’s and the KSC75’s next to see how they sound to my ears and which I like. :notes:


Damn is she chonky…Schiit wasn’t lying about it weighing 16 pounds…lol…Letting her warm up and then time to take her for a test drive.


What model? Looks baller!

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That would be the MJOLNIR. Congrats, @Guarddawg30 on a great purchase.


I got to listen to it for a few hours last night. It is amazing so far. It even made my 6xx sound good…lol…I have some time off coming up for the holidays I will leave my thoughts on it on the Mjolnir 3 thread.


Excellent. I am looking forward to that. :+1:t2:

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