What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Congratulations. Great find! I found a really good technical overview paper on this model. Very impressive. I’d love to hear how you get on with it. Again, congrats! :+1:t2:

Found my 50% off deal on a new turntable finally. Gotta find my phone pre and see how this thin sounds.


its in amazing condition and sounds just as good. I have the SA-6 control amplifier to go with it.
i’ll update later my impressions!

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Not today but this was my latest purchase, the Ziigaat Doscincos. I freaking love these as I’m a bit of bass head depending on my mood. I ordered the Cincotres but out of curiosity AutoEQ’d the Dos with the help of Squig to mimick the Cinco (PEACE on PC and Wavelet on phone) and they truly sound fantastic!

The Ziigaats both have identical hardware down to the impedance and sensitivity and I’m wondering how close this is to the real thing. Secretly I’m hoping this doesn’t sound identical to the Cincotres because that would make them redundant lol. Can someone with both verify? Thank you very much in advance.


They sound different enough that it’s noticeable but they’re so similar for me I’d take one or the other but not both


Yeah, I think the funds are better spend elsewhere. With the EQ I applied on the dos it feels like a good allrounder and I don’t have to switch.

I was looking into a decent compact DAP for around 300 euro. Do you know if the Sony Walkman NW-A306 is any good? My aim is to ditch the big phone + Qudelix 5K on hikes and go a little more compact.

Where’s a tuning switch when you actually need one, amirite? :man_shrugging:

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Uh we only use tuning switches when we don’t need them sir, if you want functionality you’re gonna have to look elsewhere


Cadenza 4 in the house.

Quick impressions after 2 hours of listening. Great all rounder set with a clean accurate replay. Bass is sub-bass focused. To me the treble is smooth and perfectly balanced. Vocals are really good and soundstage is pretty wide.
The cable is great if on the heavy side, the case is really cool and comfort is good. The ear pieces are really light.


64 Audio Duo landed and man they don’t disappoint. The dynamics are awesome and actually reminds me of a mini LCD3. Definitely recommend them since you can routinely find them for less than $1k.


I ordered the Wan’ers since I gave away my Holas to a friend who is in need of IEMs, for her previously IEMs got stolen while she was in her school, and as an older brother figure to her, I have decided to give my Holas, and get the Wan’ers as a replacement. So far, they have been impressive and I can see why there are some still preaching about this.

Another one would be a new cable from Xinhs, and I cannot believe that I would be using my very first set of Chi-Fi IEMs that got me into this hobby in the first place which is the T2, my little brother returned it to me for he thought it wasn’t working anymore, turns out it was the previous cable that had issues, therefore getting a new cable for it. He liked the 7Hz Zeroes more, therefore giving it to him and having the T2s back.


Heads-up, but I think they discontinued the Hola. They have been out of stock everywhere for months.


I lost my beloved Hola’s and miss them dearly. Idk how to describe it but they are such a satisfying iem. Maybe it’s just me romanticizing about how cheap they are but they truly have some of my fav tuning sub $50. I think they still hold up alright if u can find em and are looking for a bassier harman.


That’s kind of you. You’re a good friend.

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The Nicehck Himalaya DD loveliness and titanium too win win


I can understand that, they are/were great.

The QKZxHBB and KZ Castor black are my other favorite cheap IEMs.

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Oh well, it is what it is. The girl needed a set of IEMs for the previous IEM that I gave to her which is the Moondrop Chu unfortunately got stolen from her and she was crying, her dad told me. So yeah I have decided to give the Holas away, but still poor kid, damn assholes like that reminds me of the type of people that I met back in high school and quite frankly I hated my time there, but the silver-lining would be meeting my true friends, which I am to this day still chatting though we have been busy to do it often.

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It just feels good to do something kind in return, and the poor kid was crying when her Chus got stolen. So yeah, I have to let the Holas go even though I like it in the first place but I’d eventually get a new set of IEMs, also I am not sure if I would be planning to get EA1000 since there are too many freaking new IEMs being released and would be probably better than the EA1000.


Same here, gonna miss it despite it being a budget set, but it is needed by someone else more than me, hence I gave it away. I mean if I just want a Harman set, I already have the Simgot EM6L and the Ziigaat Nuo for that, but yeah I can see the reason why the Holas are still cool for the price.


I received these today as a present for the upcoming birthday of my niece. She’s currently in high school and since a few years she unironically loves to listen and dance to Happy Hardcore (a genre that was all the rage in the 90’s in the Netherlands haha) and green is her favourite colour.

From reviews it seems the Artti R1 are good and bassy so hopefully she will like it. I’m a bit worried too about the fitment because I later learned that they’re apparently quite big. Her birthday is next month, fingers crossed.