What did you buy today? (Part 2)

No doubt. I still love my Bifrost 2. When/if it ever goes bad, the plan is still to replace it with the 2/64 model. But we will see what state they are in when/if that ever happens. I’d like to think there will be a new DAC from them available by then, but you never know. Seems you have to have a plan B at the ready.

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I’ve really contemplated a mj3 to stack with my Kara and Loki max… that’s a sexy stack to think about lol.


Thank you. I am trying to contain my source addiction too.

In April I got both the KA17, and the KA11. Both are fantastic at their price points.

The KA17 can replace everything except the tubes on my desk, and for less money. At $150 it is a steal, and it competently powers everything I own, even on the single ended connection. This could easily be your only amp.

The KA11 is one of those small 3.5mm only dongles, and delivers 245mW, for $30.

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From South Devon Chilli Farm here in the UK some :hot_pepper::fire:

PS getting good chilli hot sauces are hard to come by here :cry: but these guys do their :hot_pepper: thang real good :+1:


It´s really crazy how good these tiny things are, there´s really no need to pack the whole desk with big ass Dacs and amps, especially when you are mostly listening to IEMs

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Do you know Chilli of the Valley from the UK?
Bought two of their hot sauces when I was in Wales and they are really good! :fire: :fire_engine:
They got soooo many to choose from and their artwork is cool af :sunglasses:

Welsh Dragon Chilli from Cardiff also got some great stuff


No but I’ll defo check them out…thanks bro :raised_hands:

PS one good thing about SDCF is they grow the chillis and only use just that depending on the sauce = Fresh Reaper chillies: 60%, spirit vinegar, salt…nothing else :+1:


Got some new handlebars for my mountain bike. Going from 25mm rise to 38!


I’m rapidly heading down this rabbit hole as well as I look beyond my disappointment with the Q5K.
May I ask, how does the KA17 and BTR15 compare to the Q5K in your experience?

So many choices these days …additionally thinking of BTR7+NX7, Q15 (would comfortably power the S.Mini), but perhaps time to also consider dap-land as the new R4 looks pretty neat as does the FIIO M23. All have PEQ options too :orange_heart:. Access to hifi is good I tell myself, while I drown in all the choices :face_with_spiral_eyes: Thanks.


I’m not usually one for chilli sauces but I coincidentally found these in a cupboard. They also do a 70% Carolina Reaper, FYI! and Godspeed


Protaper both MX and MB bars are :gem:


Why have you been disappointed by Q5K?
Haven’t listened to Q5K alone in a long time, I use it as DAC for G5 and that combo is fire :fire:
BTR15 is very neutral and technical (ESS poster child)…seems to have no coloration at all while KA17 comes in more musical, slightly bass boosted and smooth but well extended treble
My guess is that if you did not like Q5K you are more likely to prefer KA17 over BTR15
I will get Q15 for a demo tour so i can report on that later :slight_smile:
NX7 is a good idea, i guess it’s the same amp as in G5, if yes you can not go wrong with that.
BTR7 does not really need NX7. It’s a fantastic dac/amp with it’s biggest limitation being the battery life.
M23 seems quite nice but if you want to safe some bucks consider Hiby R6III which goes for 399 when on sale (which is every 2-3 months or so)

PS: Fiio EQ usability is nothing like Q5K or Hiby.
Basically its set it once and never use it again because it kinda sucks. Its laggy.
If you use KA17 wired on the computer there’s no way to change EQ while you are playing music… You need to unplug and connect your phone via Bluetooth and change eq settings. Then you need to restart the device and connect via cable again same for BTR15… It’s nothing you want to play around with a lot… Unfortunately… But it’s functional at least
Fiio really needs to get their shit together when it comes to software.
Hiby on the other hand is doing it right :ok_hand:t2:


Thanks for your detailed reply.

tbh, I don’t have enough experience with sources to confidently describe their sound just yet. The best I can say, is that it immediately felt flat and lacking in clarity. I use it in usb-mode, tried balanced output and messed around with the settings. It’s just a feeling I keep getting from it every time I turn it on, which I don’t get even from the ol’ cheap apple dongle. I didn’t think I was so fussy when it comes to sources so I was surprised by my disappointment and annoyed as the software is otherwise a very good experience. Maybe it’s a different story if I try pairing it to a NX7, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money experimenting without being able to return it easily if it doesn’t work out.

Thanks for the heads up. May have to skip dongles now, even though I want to hear all of them and try a dap instead. The new M23 can output up to 1W in desktop mode, which would make a great all in one then, but I like the idea of a R4+NX7, as hiby and topping seem well polished in their respective areas as well being a cost-effective powerhouse. With a deep stack of a dap+amp+battery, I’ll be able to live the dream of walking around canjam with a self-printed t-shirt saying “I am the porta-pro!” :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Thanks again!


Decisions decisions :see_no_evil:
Good luck brother
Ultimately there is only one way


DCA E3 arrived


Orchard Audio stereo rca to xlr converter & an FX Audio DR07. I’m planning on using them together exclusively for my TV sound system using JBL active speakers & sub. I’ve got the sub already. I’m trying to decide if I want to get the 308 or just get the 305 speakers.

(Both items have shipped already)

Edit: Orchard Audio RCA to XLR converter in the chain. Xduoo MT603 in the chain. FX Audio DP07 in the chain. Avantone CLA200 in the chain, JBL LSR310 sub in the chain. Triangle Borea BR02 in the chain. The harshness that was sometimes occurring depending on the material was very unpleasant to hear. It is now just some slight harmonic distortion that is very pleasant to hear & I’ve got a remote now to control volume. My only complaint is the remote doesn’t work so well if it’s not in perfect position. I have to lean in to change the volume with the remote.

Seems to be an issue getting the FX Audio DP07 to come on. Just now it took several attempts to get it to come on. This included pushing the physical power button. It wouldn’t work. The power on using the remote resulted in nothing happening or the screen just coming on & going off on about a second. I got via Amazon but Ive had several issues returning items with Amazon. They even billed me for an item I never received. They sent a replacement for the item & then billed me for it too.


WA7 arrived this morning =)


Best Wednesday in awhile…


First headphone purchase in six months. Of course I won’t actually get them for another two months. :laughing:


I would avoid the FX Audio DP07. Its got some issue where it will not come on & thats brand new out of the box, for several minutes of trying until it finally comes on. My solution is I’m not going to turn it off again. I don’t want to send it back with issues doing that with Amazon a couple of times on other items. Sound wise its very very good for $169.