What did you buy today? (Part 2)

That sucks - sorry to hear this! I’ve got mine with Dekoni Hybrids on right now and to me they feel like they’ve broken in nicely. That said, I’ve owned them for ~3 months, so maybe it’s just length of time? But I don’t recall early comfort issues to the severity you are describing.

This week I’ve been using them for ~2 hour listening sessions each day while I work and no comfort issues. Easily could be head shape and ear size differences. Wish there was a trick to fix it for you…

When I had Sundaras I flipped the stock pads upside down and swapped the left and right pads. Made it a lot more comfortable on my head. Might be worth a shot.


The more I think about it, I’m pretty sure your comfort issue is amp related. If you upgrade your amp I’m certain your Sundara will be more comfortable. And if that doesn’t work, then it’s definitely a DAC issue and you should upgrade the DAC immediately. I’m sure one of the DAC’s in @M0N latest review is guaranteed to provide “natural comfort enhancement” for your headphones (or at least should be for what they cost).

sorry, couldn’t resist the joke! My deepest heartfelt condolences for your headphone discomfort.

What part is supposed to be funny?

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Finally arrived :smiley:


I need more ear tips, specifically for my BL-05S. Sizing from these are a bit weird, since the L from these are M to me, while the M is S and the S is SS. The large ear tips seals me well enough.



You know out of all the things they can do, I’m not sure that’s one of them lol


E is being condensending but in a non-toxic way, kinda funnii. i think he is just joking around. will you do a post where you focus on amps?


Sony tips are my overall fav, I use their og supplied tips on my Z1R and EX-10A’s on most of my other sets…not sure how they vary from the EX11 though :man_shrugging:

ahhh… come on… you know better sounding Amps and DACs are more comfortable :rofl:

I’m glad it was taken as “non-toxic”. I was going for fully funny, and the sarcasm in it fell flat. I need to work on my jokes… :thinking:


you’re fine E. we need more of this

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I wish there was an EX-10A for me to order but these will do. I think these tips are closed to the Sony MH755’s tips, since they have the same shape but a bit shorter in terms of height. Fit-wise though, they are snug in my ears, therefore a good seal when I use my BL-05S with it.

I need to work on picking up jokes in general, stuff has gone over my head far too often lol




X-spdif 2


What’s the chain your putting this into? You may have a heart attack when you hear how much of an impact they can make.

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My primary head-fi signal chain for now.
X-spdif 2 (AES/EBU) → Soekris dac1541 → Violectric HPA V281

I was really impressed by the upgrade in quality that I got from testing with an Allo DigiOne via BNC into that DAC vs USB, but having a streamer on the desk that is already so close to a PC anyway did not make sense to me. I can use that streamer better elsewhere in the home. So this unit I am hoping will improve the output from PC and convert to the AES/EBU into the DAC.

Plus, I can test other DACs or setup another distinct chain easily as most of the other DACs I own have a coax spdif.


Yes, this was a good buy/decision :+1::+1:


Forgive me hifiguides, for I have sinned…


