What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Better then what I’ve got, she from what I remember, GN liked it well enough

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Yep apparently it’s on his list for Best Cases of this year so far, also I needed this one since I am willing to give my current case to my little brother who I want to have a decent case for his rig. My god his old case makes me feel sorry for him a bit, so that’s why I bought the 215s

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I want this eventually; looks great!

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Holy shit nice, how is it? Would love to hear your thoughts

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Dear god those Aeolus. If there’s ever a headphone I want purely for looks, it’s one of those.

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I’ve made a couple updates in a relatively short period of time, so there is much that is new to me and it is taking me a bit to isolate what’s what. I’m also in the camp that new pieces need some time to “run in” before objectively passing judgement (even if that time is to overcome brain and/or confirmation bias). When I get bit more time with the setup I will post impressions in the official thread for the V550.

Spoiler: I don’t hate it


I love the sound too so it’s pretty much the best of both worlds for me…(this is how I justify having two to myself)

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LCD-XC is here. Now I have closed back planars that I actually like! So far they’re great. Sounding best on the Liquid Platinum. Them cups is shiny! Hard not to get a reflection of myself taking the picture - so there I am with my phone.

Also now that everyone has M11 Plus Ultra fever, I was able to pick up a used OG M11 from headfi.org. Like new condition - this thing is fantastic, with a lot of nice features that outperform my iBasso DX160. The M11 is replacing my poor old X3ii - after hundreds of hours of faithful service, it now stutters the audio at the start of track playback. Goodbye old friend.


NICEHCK 16 Core Cable arrived today for my Moondrop Aria. Nothing special just a soft cable as a replacement for my Arias’ stock cable.


Now that I have figured out that I am happy with and keeping my new Sivga Phoenix phones, I’m gonna try one of these new Flow cables from Apos audio.


Looks pretty good. Anxious to see how it does.


Looks incredibly similar to a Hart cable :thinking:


For only twice as much!


And half the versatility :stuck_out_tongue:


Forgot to post this one. Got D8000 Pros from someone local recently

Going to be honest, I was pretyy disapointed with these for the first few days. Good technicalities but didn’t have any love for them. Then I found the combo that made em sing and was pretty blown away. Went from “meh I still like LCD-R more” to “i realy do need a better amp for LCD-R.”

Very different style of presentation between the two cans btw


TH900’s have arrived and are every bit as fun as I anticipated! A bit too sensitive for the QS though as it’s very noisy.


I feed my D8000 Pros from a PassLabs HPA-1 driven by several dacs depending on what I am in the mood for that day…and its 11/10 sound here.

I have used the D8000 Pros on a dozen or so amps, most all are great here.

I sold all my other TOTL cans because I like these so much…,

I think they are stellar all around cans and fairly easy to drive.


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Did finally find the right pads to get bass and subbass out my he 560 :smiley:
Some cheapish perforated sheepskin pads from AliExpress ^^


I’ll bet you could cobble together some kind of 1/4”-to-3.5mm into an IEMatch then adapt it back to 1/4” …totally silly, but it would probably work! lol

I think it might be worth just sticking to solid state and let someone else with hungrier cans enjoy it.

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@DuerumBen @DDT @Multibeast Ouch, It does look A LOT like a Hart. Shame on me for not checking them first, I mistakenly thought the Hart would cost more. Live and learn. :man_shrugging:

As it turns out, I screwed up and didn’t check the connectors before I ordered it. The 2.5mm connectors on the Apos cable are stereo and the ones on the Sivgas are 2.5mm mono. I don’t think the Apos cable will even work, so I will most likely end up returning it anyway. We’ll see

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