Hiby R5 and Leather Case
My first dap. Sounds very good so far. Got it for 299$ from hiby and it arrived without extra taxes and customs in Germany - luckily. The only seller in germany charges 500€ for it.
I have that same AQ Forest USB cable connecting my PC to my Denon PMA-60. Love it.
It made both my semi-professional MOTU Interfaces run rock solid. They often didn’t show up in Cubase and I needed to unplug the USB to make them work again. Probably going to replace all cheap USB stuff inside my homestudio.
It seems to widen the soundstage in HiFi applications and I will be doing a blind test soon to confirm.
So… in knowing I was going to be getting ZMF in the future and love my LCD X. I purchased a Periapt cable. It FINALLY came and holy crap the LCD’s don’t need extra power that comes from this balanced THX 887. But it’s there!
Monoprice liquid platinum. Hopefully get it Thursday.
Nice, hopefully it should be pretty sweet
Love the color scheme.
might put yellow yaxi’s on it to match
That is fast delivery. I am jealous!
I could have paid more to get it faster, but the exchange rate is killing me!
That should look pretty sick. Still waiting on my yaxi pads, tomorrow it’ll be 4 weeks since I ordered .
Nice! My personal favorite Porta Pro variant.
These gonna be my “fashion” cans for a while. Pairing it with a good Casio calculator watch
Casio calculator watches are totaly vogue
1992 is calling and saying “Damn… Can’t touch this”
Got these a couple weeks ago and forgot to post here. He400 with Shure 1540 pads and aftermarket cable. Also came with Dekoni velours (not pictured). All shipped for $90 used.

That looks like the OG version of my Apple Watch.