What did you buy today? (Part 1)

Beautiful IEMs.


Back when I was shooting with Canon equipment, I deliberately went for second-hand older professional models (1Ds, 1DsIII). It’s certainly not a bad option.


I am curious about these guys, it’s on my eyes atm like the KSC75s. Should I get these or nah?

Picked up a new power strip and an ifi iPurifier (not pictured). I was surprised by the improvements. Better dynamics being the most noticeable change, along with increased detail. I’m happy with the purchase.


Verite C arrived, loving it. Also got the mz2 a week or so ago


Just got my turbulent labs headband for my Hemps, and over a week early which is always nice. First impressions, its a bit stiff in terms of the padding, but is otherwise very nice. I’ll have to report back after I’ve used it for a while on how comfortable it is. One last note, it was a bit hard to slide it on to the metal band, but nowhere near as bad as all the Drop comments made ut sound.


A nice haul today…

Focal Elegia,
ifi Hip DAC,
Fiio BTR5

I had a Periapt cable already that fits the Elegia so I didn’t need to use the one that comes with it. So far I’m really liking the Focal.

The BTR5 and Hip DAC will be used for connecting IEMs to my phone and when I’m bringing my laptop places.


Node 2i came in today, really happy with the packaging and overall quality, hooking up after dinner, thanks for the advice guys


Well, these seduced me and have now officially been added to my collection (!).

Thanks again to @sa11297 for the initial loan and for the good deal that followed! HFGF members, @sa11297 is a stand-up guy and you can trust him in buying/selling situations.

(pic included in case you didn’t want to scroll up to see what I’m talking about :slight_smile: )


Somehow I became the LCD 2 prefazor dealer :smile:


Would be cool to have some kind of confirmed positive buy/sell history attached to your profile somehow!

And now I have the three Koss siblings


I was actually able to get the much cheaper deal for these and I’m really excited about getting them.


Welcome to the Elegion!


Why thank you! The only closed back I have currently is the DCA Aeon Flow 1 non retune. It’s an outstanding headphone but I need some more closed in my life I think. If these do what I think they are going to do then I think after a few months in this hobby I know what I sound I want to chase.


Congratulations! That is no small thing.


They’re a great headphone! Just know that as a fellow glasses-wearer that the bass is really reliant on a good seal, so if you feel the bass is lacking you might have to take them off or EQ a little bit.

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@alphamarshan Yeah I have had a lot of people tell me this. I think start of next year I’m going to have to go contacts as much as I don’t want to. Glasses and headphones don’t seem to mix.

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Glasses wearer myself. I basically always run the Elegia off the Hip-Dac or Zen + Asgard/Liquid Plat for that iFi bass boost. Makes a world of difference.


@WaveTheory What’s the saying? I may not know much, but I know what I like? I think it’s that plus I’m just really confident in what I like. Does not mean I would not own or try a thing because it’s not that. Variety is the spice of life after all. lol

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