What did you do today?

Made some progress on the power substation I’m doing for my Dad’s new HO platform, as well as started on the transmission towers. These are the first models I’ve built since I was in my teens (20+ years ago) and the first time I’ve ever added any scenery, so I’m kind of learning as I go with that. Most of the structures in the pics haven’t been glued down yet, just trying to get an idea of how the finished product is going to look…


:+1: we grew up with my dad’s Hornby 00 gauge trains and models.

Very cool!

Watched my Buffalo Bills and now more late games.
Just taking a few minutes break to check up on the cool music.
That model train stuff is awesome !

Felt guilty eating those pizza slices last night, therefore I am about to do my usual routine after work. Need to burn the fat in order to maintain this healthy weight I have, the workout routine is going to suck later but no pain no gain so fuck it.

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Unsolicited advice:

Work out because you enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy your workouts, find something you enjoy. If you enjoy it, it will be much easier to sustain over the course of your life. Don’t use exercise as punishment for “bad eating”. Don’t make “bad eating” a reward for exercise, either. As long as you’re stuck in that toxic mindset, you’ll have to rely on willpower to keep it up. Your capacity to exert willpower is finite. Your capacity to seek out enjoyment is not.


I mean I was only kidding when I said that I felt guilty eating pizza slices last night, and don’t worry I do enjoy my workouts. Recently I have been doing simple but effective bodyweight training since I don’t have time or access to go to a gym, and having that mindset for myself that I can workout everytime, anywhere and being my own gym by doing bodyweight training and cardio in my home, gives me no excuses at all not to workout, especially with the human malware still going on for most people.

Riods, it should be an option.

For those that don’t know, the Matterhorn was the first tubular steel roller coaster. It opened in 59 and is still operating today.

We go to Disneyland pretty often. We had a fun trip on Saturday, and the weather was ideal.


Gone there think 4 times my whole life but drove past on harbor dozens. Someday might take my kids to orlando.

Picked up the Christmas booze, picked up Christmas cards, fed the ducks and gassed up the car.

I am exhausted. :laughing:


Since the painting of my Arias came with a bad coat of paint, meaning an issue that I have faced with my Starfields back then, I have decided to repaint with just solid black and a clear coating added just to make sure of its coat of paint being more protected.


Finished putting an i-beam hoist
track above the new Summit lathe so I don’t have to put the 100 pound steady rest on the lathe by hand.


3rd “jab” taken… Pfizer > Pfizer > Moderna

Was a bit skeptical about mixing 2 vaccines, but seems like it is the recommended way to go since it should give better protection, so i went for it (had the choice of a 3rd pfizer though). As with both the Pfizer vaccines before, i have a little soar arm, and my thumb is a bit numb and tingly… since this also happened with my 2 first shots, i guess its just the way my arm works :stuck_out_tongue:

Only been an hour since i took the shot, so i guess i will have to wait a bit before i see if i get any more side effects of the vaccination (a few of my friends and colleagues at work have had cold like symptoms the day after the vaccine when they got the Moderna shot).


I finally got my Christmas present setup and running.


Hey, we got the same thing for Christmas! :joy:

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My wife knew I wanted one, but was unlikely to buy one for myself … the perfect gift.

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I’ve wanted one for years but never actually put the money aside to do it, that’s a sizeable chunk of audio funds

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Agreed, I still don’t have any single pair of headphones or IEMs that expensive.

Of course, I just purchased ( with Christmas money ) about that much in audio gear, between two IEMs, a pair of headphones, and a couple cables.

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My wallet wishes that was true for me… :rofl:

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