What did you do today?

This evening…watched the world go by from our barge


Built a donut shop…

Some test fitting…


worked 11 hours… crazy busy day!!!

Did they have those shops all over the country because that makes me think of L.A.

Thats awesome work.

Thanks man. I’m on the east coast and you don’t see anything like this around here. When I saw it in the catalog I had to get one.


Nice work. This reminds me of something you would see in one of those really large model train setups.

I had the same as you. My wife went Moderna for the third shot and was sick for a few days, but then fine.

Used up my Amazon Christmas gift cards on:

  • Faaeal copper 2.5 to 2pin IEM cable
  • ePro EP00 horn eartips
  • KBear 07 eartips

That’s where it’s headed. My Dad is setting his trains up permanently in the bonus room above their garage.

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I was heavy headed and just a little bit off for several days, especially the first day after, but my arm was soar for quite a while. I’m not sure why, but with each jab, my thumb has been getting a bit “tingly” and strange, but for the 2 first jabs it only lasted a few days, with the 3rd dose it lasted a whole week… i’m wondering if i have some nerves that are a bit close to the place they inject, but i wouldn’t really think the needle went far enough in (especially since i have a …ehm… “protective layer” of fat :sweat_smile:) to be close to nerves, but i’m no physician :slight_smile:

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rattlingAmazonwoman? oh dear, hear her roar!

I spent my last few days fighting with some Knockout.js code. I am usually a C++ guy, so it is a bit of a detour for me.

Today I received an upgrade cable box. Seeins as I was home, I figured why wait till the weekend. So I pulled everything out (again! :laughing:) and installed it. While I was back there, I decided to upgrade the CD system. I went and grabbed my SU-8 DAC, a digital coax cable and connected my Denon 5-CD changer transport to the SU-8 and then fed the Onkyo A/V amp. Got everything back together and fired it up…

This is a pic from the last configuration, as a reminder. I’ll throw a new one up tomorrow. And here it is

The new cable box doesn’t look like much compared to the one above, but man what an upgrade from a performance standpoint. It’s optimized for 4K and surround sound. Which is nice when you have a 4K TV and a receiver that does 4K and 7.2 Dolby Atmos! The picture is stunning. The sound has been enhanced now as well. Very deep and balanced. And more importantly, very nice to listen to.

The CD sound has done a complete 180. I never really liked how this CD player sounded. It was supposed to be an upper-level unit back in the day, but it always seemed veiled and constrained somehow. So I never used it much. The SU-8 has completely transformed the sound. It’s so nice to have this DAC back in service. Now you can hear everything, every nuance the CD has to offer. This is what I wanted out of this player all along. The Onkyo amp is a friggin beast, too! Massive 7.2 surround power at your command. I’m gonna be listening to a lot more CDs in the living room now, that’s for sure!


Today was motorcycle day! I Watched some MotoGP pre-season testing from Indonesia. That was hella cool. The new bikes look amazing. Seems the paddock has caught up with Ducati, and Marquez is back! I’m stoked about that. It’s gonna be a good season I think.

Then I mounted up on the Victory and went for an epic ride. Headed straight for the hills so I could do some twisty stuff, no doubt inspired by watching the GP riders! Fucken Vision is a monster but it handles like a sportbike! Just an epic session. It was badly needed!

After giving my baby a bath, I’m kickin it with some Clapton and a VooDoo Ranger IPA.


Happy Friday, Y’all!


Recuperating from my burn out as much as possible, and having a burn out is not exactly that pleasant. I won’t deal it with alcohol though for that is just not me, music makes more sense making it a bit easy for me to say the least.


We’ve been battered by storm Eunice here on the Cut aka canal, cleared the towpath of 3 fallen trees, one boat near by wasn’t so lucky :cry: and the sheep gave no fucks lol. …


Glad you came through ok!

Burning question: how many sheep got spray painted before the painter fell asleep? :sleeping_bed: :laughing:


I wonder how many times a person with ADHD counts the first sheep before they fall asleep… :wink:

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Did film and lube switches for my keyboard and i have to say no idea how people manage to do this all the time XD
Only good thing is I can turn on my crack and enjoy some good tunes :notes: while doing it :smiley:


I did this workout session more like yesterday, and I know it’s going to kick my ass since it’s David Goggins. But fuck me, this kicked my ass really bad and I had to pause on some segments of this workout for a bit especially with the push-ups, sit-ups and up-down planks he did, don’t get me wrong I did all of those but not to his degree where he executed very well, not surprising since the man is a damn beast.

Well today, after that, got a blister on my left foot, a scratch on the left leg, another scratch on the right elbow and soreness on the triceps, therefore I need to rest for I am having an exercise burnout with symptoms been showing lately.

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