What did you do today?

Tweeter upgrade came in today. Less than 10 minutes of work. I have had these speakers for over 10 years so really excited to hear how these change things up.


Barge moving day….a pleasant start but rain forecast later :worried:


Always envious of your views…have a great one!


How often does “Barge Moving Day” happen? I agree with Monkey, great views! :+1:


This was my first question too. Followed by which body of water are you on?

I used to live in Omaha, and your photos never have that poop color that I associate with Missouri river. I think Omaha literally dumped waste in the river so that color wasn’t just silt.

Every two weeks to comply with CR&T’s cruising guide lines (UK) and we need to cruise circa 20 linear miles each year to allow us to not have a permanent mooring which we could afford but really don’t want…we love being nomad, transient and enjoy being away from folks :smile:


So you basically just move over 20 linear miles per year, and move every two weeks, and look for nice spot to anchor?

That sounds sort of amazing. I say this starting at the lease renewal on my Santa Clarita apartment ( just north of Burbank & LA ). We moved here to help my in-laws, but good lord is this place expensive.

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Yeah pretty much but we do move back and forth and do do more than the 20 mile guild line as we enjoy it, logistics can be a problem as we both work so planning vehicle moves and getting supplies to the boat is the tricky part lol.

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Gave in and fully theater curtained my room. Simplified the desktop setup to what I actually use.

Needs some tweaks but I’m exhausted. Got my sleeping position 80% dialed and gave up for the night.

Overall I’m thoroughly impressed by what just some simple low grade sound dampening curtains can do to bare walled room. Haven’t pulled any towers in yet and still waiting on the Magnepan LRS but I set a bookshelf setup up for laying off axis pretty hard so I can compensate with volume and get some extra bass that didn’t roll off with the tweeters and actually found a decent spot without a sub. Plugging the sub in tomorrow but I’m actually pretty surprised by how playing to the off axis works in a simple setup (and not expecting much lol).


Finished the next piece for my Dad’s platform. It’s part of a 3 piece set (motel, office, restaurant).

Here’s some of the WIP pics:


Mushrooms :unicorn:


That makes a ton of sense. You have basically come up with a creative way to avoid slip fees, but the trade off seems to be some time spent on the supply runs and parking.

My wife and I have thought about buying a small explorer yacht as a live aboard. A yacht can be found for way cheaper than a condo in SoCal, and the sizes are fairly close. Slip fees are pretty close to the HOA fees on a condo here, so that is probably a wash either way. The upside being if things get too expensive, we can move to a cheaper port. The big downside of a yacht here is the taxes vs a house.

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I don’t know why I even did this…


Well, I saw audition, so best of luck! You never know…


went to the optometrist today. my eyes are healthy aside from my actual sight continuing to get worse. the only big change in my prescription is my left eye jumping a full diopter… for the worse if course. :stuck_out_tongue:

that drop to dilate your pupils is wild tho. I’m photophobic, so they worsen the condition and then stick REALLY BRIGHT lights into my eyes to help me out, LoL!

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Yeah I know, but I am setting my expectations very low.

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Good luck @K4sh1ma

As I have gotten older I never have the courage to just do stuff like that. One of the most empowering things is being able to do things, and accept that not everything has to work out, or go perfectly. It seems like my anxiety over failure gets worse the older I get.

On that front, yesterday I had a good interview with Meta ( Facebook ). I went through the whole process with them a couple years back, and didn’t get the job. The design interview roughed me up a bit, and I didn’t have an internal reference. I am trying to remind myself that I will be OK if I don’t get it, but I would lying if I didn’t say it would be life altering money.


Got hailed and snowed on wtf British summer time started last Sunday :upside_down_face:


Yeah and I am in the same boat as well in terms of failure, but it will only be failure if you have stopped trying again and again, I mean you are going to fail at some point and not all the time that you will do is guaranteed success.

As for the courage? It’s more like taking a chance on something that is new, something that I never thought that I would attempt or try to do, for there are times you just need to change some things a bit, for you never know, you might never get a chance like that again.

I am tempering my expectations, therefore not expecting much in return, but if I do get accepted or approved despite the things that I lacked when it comes to that particular field of work, at least I can grow with it and improve bit-by-bit if it becomes true. Overall though, it’s not the end of the world if it’s never meant to be, for now.

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Took a little bit of time today to upgrade my headphone cabinet. I bought two very small carpets (16" X 30") and did some cutting to protect my headphones. While I am careful with them, the frames do rub against the wood going in and out. So:

Very happy with this quick mod! :grin: