What did you do today?

Got iced in so not going anywhere for a while lol…


Last night I asked my girl to marry me and she said yes so I started today with a bit of extra energy and I decided to take my Hayabusa out for a ride since it’s the only motorcycle I have left, having sold my Harley in January.

I went out at 5AM so I could avoid traffic as much as possible and I had a GREAT time flyin’ up the 101 just enjoying the ride. Everytime I get on this bike and get to feel how it reacts to even the slightest weight shift or twist of the throttle, I get the same awed feeling that I did the first time I rode it. You don’t have to ride stupid fast or weaving in and out of traffic to be able to appreciate what this amazing machine is capable of. It transforms even the most routine commute into an exciting ride.

I put both of my bikes up for sale earlier this year, but the Hayabusa didn’t sell to someone I was comfortable selling to before I headed out on tour. After this morning, I’m glad it didn’t because I’m thinking I need this bike in my life even if it’s only for the occasional Sunday morning joyride.


Snowed a little bit earlier this week, but during the night (and a bit during the day today) more snow fell, so i had to clear my driveway so i can get to work monday morning. Also had to clear a little path for my dog in the garden, so she manages to find a spot to do her business :slight_smile: (shes a small silky terrier, so not much “ground clearance” :stuck_out_tongue: )

A couple of days with snow, and i am now longing for spring. Guess my Norwegian viking genes have surrendered to the urban office worker lifestyle :smiley:


Something that arrived last night is the Moondrop Click.

My desktop is just an old Optilex 790 (2nd gen i7) so

a) The jack on the front is massively noisy from interference/bad shielding

b) The jack on the back is very very quiet.

Putting this cheap dongle into a USB type C to A adapter in one of the front USB ports adds in the decent jack it needed. Piping music through a DAP any time I wanted to hear anything was hassle and overkill.

Zero drivers to install, and hey presto!

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So 2 months ago i got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that attacks the joints (still waiting on the tests to get a definitive diagnoses). One of the things that help with this sort of condition is physical activity, particularly to the small joints.
So in order keep my fingers limber and to develop fine motor skills (and not be on the computer 24-7) i decided to pick up a few small hobbies, one of which is painting miniatures, gotta say its really fun, not great at it right now but a workout for sure


Not great at it? Looks like a steady hand to me. Well done!

Working on something small is such a calming activity, forces you to block things out and focus on one thing at a time.

I remember in Bath I saw an exhibition of “sculptures” that were small enough to all be in pinheads, etc. The artist used meditation to slow his heart beat… apparently once almost too much. Similar art to Willard Wigan, can’t seem to find the artist I’m thinking of though…


Im getting better but it was a pretty rocky star (the blue one was my first one and you can tell :smiley: ), when you see folks who are actually good at this stuff particularly shading and contouring they can make some outstanding stuff

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For something this intricate that you picked up 2 months ago those look fricking amazing man! Good job!


Making bread sauce :christmas_tree::ok_hand:


That’s what my dad’s mum always made :+1:

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We’ve been stuck for 5 days between 2 river sections due to heavy rain fall ie the river is running too fast for us to move our barge so we’ve hunkered down and will hopefully move tomorrow :crossed_fingers: so I can get back to work…It was a nice evening yesterday the water on the left should be a field…

Followed by a cold start today…


Your job seems like an ongoing adventure you are on :grin: :+1:


Mushrooms! :upside_down_face: :mushroom:

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next time we require a toad costplay…or at least a mushroom hat

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Sorry, my bad, I fixed that real quick!



The missus and I have just finished one of our xmas presents a Lego Technic Panigale V4R…everything works as it should too :sweat_smile:


I did a phone call interview today regarding about the application that I made for a job I am applying. But I think due to me being nervous, and answering to questions quite frankly, are completely unnecessary answers or just overall stupid.

It’s safe to say I fucked up, and therefore need to move on to an another company in order to do better. Also I answered the questions honestly, even though I know for sure lying about your resume will guarantee you a position for the job, but I didn’t want that.

Man anxiety sucks for it really hinders me when trying to socialize with people that I know can be easily done, but I messed up.


Respect for your honesty!
It was just not meant for you.
Keep being honest and you will land where you are supposed to be :wink:


I agree. Unemployment is tough, but a job you have to lie to get is a job you’ll have to lie to keep.


You are always better off being honest, so don’t feel bad about doing the right thing. I agree that anxiety is brutal, and when interviewing everything gets turned up more.

Just remember that interviewing is a skill, and like anything you need practice and preparation to be good at it. I still take an interview or two every year, just to stay in practice, even when I know I am not looking for work.

Unemployment sucks. I was federal contractor when COVID hit, and because my employer was the federal government, I wasn’t eligible for the stimulus. I spent most of 2020 hunting for a job, while working on websites and other random stuff to pay my bills.