What did you do today?

I totally agree to being honest.
It’s much better to knowledge and tell them if asked “Can you do thing xxxxxx and if you can on what level?”
Well not yet and that is something i have not done but it has been in my mind that would be a skill most useful.
Or something along the lines. It might be small white lie “you have not even thought about it” but if you are willing to learn its not a issue.
“No experience but would like to learn” is better than actual lie.

I have also practiced the interview skills as The situation is “not a interview” but more like a friendly talk with people you do not know. Like asking something in a store. “Hi could you help me finding the sofas and tell more about what you have”. Friendly chit chat and so on.
Answering honestly to question things you dont know and few white lies if possible.
It takes the level down of interview “state or mind set” and you are more relaxed and casual. Even funny for casual jokes. It has worked for me with all the jobs interviews.

For the white lies. If you would get a position and have told them “i would like to learn”. Then of course you need to learn the skill or take courses about the subject. Kinda challenges you also, now i need to learn but of course it needs to be something interesting like the job. :slight_smile:


It’s really sad man, especially nowadays when a so called ideal life when we can balance hardship and comfort is mostly out of reach for most people, especially like us people from a third world country.

I hope there will be a time that will let me at least achieve a portion of that so called life, for I know for sure I am not taking things granted especially now.

I maybe have an old ass 90s corolla, but at least I have a car to drive with. I may not have my own house yet, but at least I still have a roof to sleep in thanks to my family even though I know for my age I should have my own home and family by now. The food here is not restaurant levels of delicacies, but at least I have a food to eat on my plate.

I hope things can at least be a bit better, and to the ones who are facing things similar to mine, I hope it gets better man.


Moved to our new mooring for the next two weeks…


I spent the whole day on my desktop in my little home office. What that means is that I did not put a single headphone on my head today.

Weird, for me.


Helluva view from your new spot, rainbow and all! :rainbow::sunglasses:

I changed jobs around Halloween, and the new job is mostly in the office, and I am still adjusting to much less IEM time.


My wife got us tickets for my birthday to see Killer Queen…They are obviously a Queen tribute band…They were an awesome show…If you are a Queen fan and have a chance to see them would recommend.

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Haven’t had much luck shedding audio gear lately, so I took a different tack today and got rid of a gall bladder. :grin:


Get well soon.

Thank you!

Oh damn dude, I wish you a speedy recovery!

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Thank you! Home the same day, so it’s not bad.


Well huh. I guess I should have read this post first! We were just yackin’ a couple of hours before. That is amazing to me that you are home already. When my mom’s failed, they were initially treating her as if she was having some kind of heart failure. After they did more tests etc. and came to gall bladder, they took it. But she was in the hospital for 5 days! That was in the late 90’s.

Anyway, man, glad everything went well. Get well soon!


Not really today as it happened last night, but I found out the left speaker output of my MX5 decided to just stop working. The best part is the warranty may have expired 3 days ago… A nice end to a pretty shitty week but it is what it is. If anyone has suggestions for a replacement I’m open to suggestions, or if anyone can link a forum more for this topic I’d also appreciate it. Hope everyone else has a better day today, peace.

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Yaaaay sounds fun :partying_face:

Get well soon :blush:

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Harvested some willow bark to use as tea instead of Aspirin
Nature rocks :metal:t2: :green_heart:


Salicylic acid!


I’ve never bothered to push through to get SheepShaver to work for classic Mac OS 9 emulation for personal needs… but I’m so convinced that my wife will love the Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, that I think I’ve almost got it! (Mac OS 9 is running fine, just need to get the Zoombinis CD working. SO nostalgic being in this OS again!)

Well after all that, Zoombinis in OS 9.0.4 would only freeze on launch.

Betraying my OS 9 childhood, I installed Windows 3.1 onto DOSBox, and the needed drivers etc, and it’s working beautifully on there. She is going to love this game, logic puzzles are her jam.

Bear’s garlic season is peaking so we made some tincture, bud oil (not to be confused with butt oil :grin:) and of course lots of delicious Pesto :heart_eyes::green_heart:


:passenger_ship: On the move today (to go get water, pump out etc) what a bright, sunny shinny day (song?)
