What did you do today?

Yesterday we had the first proper spring day here. We had sunny days before, but with cold wind and temps just over freezing. Yesterday it was about 12c, mostly sunny, and very little wind. Took the opportunity to take my dog for a proper walk.


Finished off a little painting for our 4 year old. Itā€™s of her toy puppy, ā€œPuppyā€, beloved since she was just a baby.

The OG puppy is missing a leg (it got open and she was eating the little plastic balls inside), has had multiple surgeries by me to seams coming apart or joints weakening, and right now his blue 5 oā€™clock shadow is wearing a little thin. About 3 years ago I searched all over the internet for a replacement in case it was ever needed for parts, or to stand in for the OG while he retired to a safe spot, but as she got older sheā€™s been gentler on him, so she doesnā€™t know the replacement exists if itā€™s ever needed. In the end I had to pay quite a lot to get him from a bookshop in Canada, and now he canā€™t be found at allā€¦ and all my old search results are 404 errors.

The light green and light blue stripes are accurate to life but blend together from having too similar luminosity, so I might darken the blue towards the edges to make the stripes stand out.

Below is the painting (I got his tummy patch in on the edge, with purple stitching and all) and shots of the pristine puppy I used as reference but that she doesnā€™t know we secured ā€œjust in caseā€.

I will continue to not post photos of my girls online, but I wish there was a safe way to, thereā€™s just no way to describe them.


coughed, wheezed and spat up phlegmā€¦what Ive been doing for 9 days now. <_<

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I hear that brother, i just got over sever sinusitis myself, pretty sure i blow out/ spat out a few dozen pounds of mucus over the last 2-3 weeks - antibiotics did the trick at the end

Red Sox game with @Lcg842 just watching the Sox give up a HR HAHA


Good on ya, man! There is just something about being at the ball park. Even though I really dislike the direction the Giants are going (this Farhan Zaidi shmuck has pretty much destroyed this team) itā€™s still great to get out there and enjoy a game.

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Got this photo from one of my clients today sayingā€¦Wonder who looks after this garden?..feeling appreciated :smiley:


Thatā€™s f*ckinā€™ gangster, bro. I mean like Gā€™d up from the street up, kinda gangster. I have zero visual artistic talent so I find stuff like this really impressive. Being able to tie together something as large as this yard in a cohesive artistic design is bonkers to me. Any chance youā€™re looking for new clients in California anytime soon? :wink:


Got to the hotel weā€™re staying at for the rest of the week and there was a package waiting for me. The drum manufacturer I have an endorsement deal with sent me an absolutely sick one-off snare drum from their custom shop to mark the one year anniversary of me signing with them. Not only is the snare bad ass (14"x6.5", 9 plies of Karelian Birch and Spalted Maple with their new suspension lugs and hardware in aged brass.), but Iā€™m impressed and moved/touched that they went through the trouble of making the snare and sending it across the Atlantic to me. It even has a badge on it with my name and the anniversary date on it. Thatā€™s damn cool! :sunglasses:


what have I done today? wellā€¦I woke up about 50 minutes ago, so nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:


Today I started a three week medical rehabilitation which I applied for last year in autumn when I had problems with my neck (had a disk prolapse several years ago)
Now after half a year i could finally start it but donĀ“t really have any major problems anymore so IĀ“ll just enjoy the three weeks payed holiday with lots of sportive activities, massages, mud packs and so on
This is where I am locatedā€¦I consider myself a lucky bastard and am beyond grateful :star_struck: :pray:


wellā€¦Iā€™ve been up for almost 7 hours and have sat in work chair for for most of it while having drank 2 cups of coffee and give my cat skritches when demanded from me. oh, and some workā€¦just a bit. :slight_smile:


Gorgeous spot! Lucky bastard indeed. :wink:

Edit: @Marzipan Being there to scratch the cat is an admirable way to spend a day, in my book! :heart_eyes_cat:


Iā€™m sorryā€¦ I had to!




I would ā€œlikeā€ your post, but apparently Iā€™m too positive of a guy and have given out my limit of likes today lol! :rofl:


Well isnā€™t that some shit! I appreciate the thought. :sunglasses:

I was gonna like yours, too, but now Iā€™m sitting here trying to remember how many likes I have already issued. Do I have enough? What if I run out? WHAT AM I GONNA DO!! :rofl:

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I agreeā€¦cept for the fact heā€™s had been feral for who knows how long before my wife coaxed him in and converted him to a rescue. the change in his demeanor and personality makes it obvious he started in a home as heā€™s become so relaxed in the last 4 or so months that I can interact physically with him in so many ways without triggering a defensive response. he can be really enjoying a scritch and suddenly heā€™s like, THIS IS WRONG and goes into attack mode.

my arms are criss-crossed scratches and puncture holes from when heā€™s swatted or nipped me. his nipping is more affectionate love bites. heā€™s very sensitive about his paws, wonā€™t let us handle them yet so no way to clip his claws, hence the level of damage he can easily / unintentionally inflict. vet has given us some sedatives to dope him up so we can bring him in for them to do it. not cheap, but if things keep going the way they are I will resemble hamburger thatā€™s gone off :stuck_out_tongue:

however, seeing how much heā€™s changed since taking him in and giving him a safe and warm environment with affection and regular feedings is worth it. :smiley:

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My girlā€™s cat is the same way. We adopter her after I found her under the firewood stack at my ranch and she does the same thing where sheā€™ll be enjoying some belly scratches and then the psycho switch flips. I think she knows itā€™s kinda crazy though because now she has gotten to the point that she stops herself before she really scratches or bites like she used to. Itā€™s funny/cute to watch her struggle through it though. :joy:


Final ZE8000 wireless iems. I had unused points at Audio 46 and wanted to try these bad boys out.

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Woke to a beautiful morning after what seems a very long and very, very wet winterā€¦