What did you do today?

That is beautiful. Good morning to you…


Man you get some amazing views on the river.

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Went on a little hike today :sunglasses:


Looks like a beautiful hike! The meadow/valley with the little yellow wildflowers looks like an amazing place for a picnic on a sunny day. You’d be surrounded by gorgeous scenery while you’re posted up on the soft grass with all the wildflowers.

The panorama pic of the whole valley taken from the higher ground (3rd from last pic) is an awesome picture! I’m a terrible photographer, but you’ve certainly got a good eye for it. :+1::sunglasses:

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Absolutely beautiful!! Where?

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Did Julie Andrews just start singing to you?

That’s some Sound of Music shit right there…


Thanks a lot! That´s just my smartphone shots, i hope I got even better ones on my main camera :slight_smile:
I was lucky to be alone on the peak and was able to enjoy it for 15 minutes and take some pictures before it became really stormy and started pouring :see_no_evil:
A Picnic on that meadow would have been nice for sure, that´s a good idea actually for when my gf comes for a visit next weekend :smiley: :+1:

@TimpTim44 Ohlstadt in the very south of germany, near the austrian border.
I am not 100% sure but the peak in the middle (on the valley shot) should be the “Zugspitze” the highest mountain of germany.

@GooberBM Please explain, I have no idea who Julie Andrews is :grin: :see_no_evil:


Julie Andrews was the female leading star in The Sound of Music back in the day. It’s set in Germany and Austria and there are scenes where she sings as she runs through a meadow that looks kinda like this. :wink::joy:

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Aaaaaaah thats where the meme is from

“Look at all the fucks I do not give” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

For me there can only be one “The sound of music” and it´s from FALCO :star_struck:

Everytime I see this guy he is so damn familiar, I was already fascinated of him when I was a kid

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LOL :joy:

In the US, Canada, and the UK (possibly elsewhere, but these countries for sure), The Sound Of Music and Julie Andrews’ performance in it is one of the all-time classic films and acting performances from that era. It’s a musical so all the songs were, and to some degree still are, well known by the general public. Julie Andrews was a well known actress before that film and she created well liked films for decades afterwards, but I think it’s fair to say that she’s still most well known and loved by many people and certainly by anyone of the baby boomer generation or older for her performance in The Sound of Music. :+1:


Started fixing up the yard putting down mulch. F*** this is exhausting work. Just to this narrow strip and I’m done for the day .


again with the questions! man, it’s 8:30 in the morning…I woke up a bit ago and am waiting for my coffee to cool down a wee bit so I can get caffeinated! leave me alone already!!!


oh yeah…GET OF MY LAWN!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Rough day, huh?:wink:

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Deep cleaning as much of the house as possible before my wife and children get back today, in between activities I’ve been adding a later of nail polish to each of my HBBxQKZs that I’ve taken the faceplates off of. Left is blue, right is red. I’m hoping to make enough layers til fill the indentation, so it no longer dips in where the faceplate was, just a glossy pretty infill. Look into buying abalone or wood veneer to put it, but it would cost about the same as the IEM once shipped and delivered :laughing:


Baking and getting the summer veg on the boat sorted :+1:


Watched some :snail: action :smile:


Heading to the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, AZ this morning. I’ve been looking forward to visiting for a long time… to be surrounded with ancient and modern music history…


That’s really cool! Have a great time. :wink:

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Man, that’s super cool. Enjoy, Jim!

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