What did you do today?

I searched for a particular headphone usage thread this morning and our site
referred me to one from 2020…from ME, lol.
Wow, the gear has changed and I have learned a LOT since then, lol.
Thanks to everyone for the reviews and comments. We have a good bunch!


problem is your advice sucks, hope you didn’t take it. not only was if from you, but it’s 3 years out of date! :wink:

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@Marzipan :rofl: Hahahahaha!

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I took the family ( 9 of us, including kids and grandkids ) to Dollywood, and the Smokey Mountains National Park. We also rented a cabin on the edge of the park while we there.

It was a nice trip, but even the meals for 9 people on vacation, get expensive fast.


I can only imagine! Looks like a fun family destination though!

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It really was, the youngest on this trip was 8, and even she did some roller coaster, including the mountain coaster at Anakeesta.

The local populations of Pidgin Forge and Gatlinburg are only about 12,000 combined, so the whole area is about tourism to the parks. The largest city is Knoxville about an hour away, and it is under 200,000 people.

We went to the astra lumina show, which was really amazing, think nature walk meets laser light show.


today? well… woke up 5 min ago and now I’m taking a dump. <.<

Been cruising the barge for the last week or so and we’ve just gained a few cute neighbours :heart_eyes:


Excellent! We feed the local birds in our area, and we are expecting the arrival of youngins soon! Always fun to watch them stumble around while they find their feet.


Worked our way back East after waiting for broken locks to be fixed :pray:


Requires a talented locksmith!


Enjoyed a beautiful summers morning on the front deck…


Might be loosing my hifi-marbles.
Placed my main monitors for sale… to downgrade my speaker/HT setup to support my other expensive hobbies. Mainly car related stuff and hopefully a daily car update.


Had a great, great day with my big brother the Bass player and my wonderful Sis in-law. We try to get together every few months and today was the day! He brought his Beyer 880 Pro 600 ohm phones down so he could run them on my setup. I was excited about that and a little flattered that he wanted to hear my stuff.

After arrival, general gum-flapping and some lunch, the girls went off and engaged in whatever felonious activity those two engage in whenever they get together :rofl: leaving me to have some Q time with big bro. It’s interesting how much more these moments mean to me now. Family, ya know?

Conversation was brisk and interesting, and the inevitable migration to music happened! He grabbed his phones and we fired up the system. I didn’t have to show him anything, he just jumped right in! He got Steely Dan’s “Aja” going connected his 880’s and started throwin down a killer mix with the Peace APO! It was fun watching him work and react to the gear. He does a lot of mixing, editing etc. for the band and has this killer setup to do that. But he feels like something is missing, so he wanted to try his headphones on my setup to see what it sounded like. He really dug the Liquid Platinum, it was his clear favorite over both the SA-1 and the SH-9. Of course, he got to try my sets, and I got to try his 880s.

I gotta say, I liked the 880s. They have that solid Beyer house sound going, which I am a fan of. Very neutral, great detail, well balanced. Maybe a little treble heavy for me, but overall, a very solid headphone. It was fun to see him react to the various headphones, especially the HE1000. This and the Focal Radiance were his favorites among my headphones. He also really liked the 660S, which I thought was interesting. This sort of confirms my thoughts on that set since the LP arrived. We both learned some stuff and had a blast doing it.

Oh, I saved that mix he did. It’s better than anything I have done to date. Bastard! :rofl: Family and music. What a great day.


I’ve had to do this over some tiny windows of time, but finally wired lights for my workout/workshop cave


there is a leather chair, so this is neither a workout room or workshop cave…it’s where you nap!!!


Just got moved there because I haven’t the heart to throw it out but wife bought a replacement for it. I’ve sat in it for about 20 minutes with my pipe, can’t remember the last time I napped though!


I started watching Extraordinary, fun little comedy about superheroes. Reminds me of Misfits mixed with Derry Girls.

woke up, started my coffee, logged in to work, drank my coffee, took a shit, made another cup of coffee and now I’m here, answering this question. :wink:

I’m going to take the dog for a walk in a little while. Then I will teach chemistry to a student. Then…music :slightly_smiling_face: