What did you do today?

Simple, clean, dual subs to fill out the room…I dig it!

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Finally someone with his priorities right
Screw furniture and decorationsy, first thing to setup is the audio/ tv den :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Priorities lol

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Bunk ladder turned out great, working on the side rail.


Got off work early to rip cd’s, put together my new speakers stands and work on the studio. Moved the Soundrise stands down stairs for the Mackies, can tell improvements in both rooms, been a fun day…


Spent all day trying to figure out how to do my project presentation, preparation and all, freaking out. I’m currently researching how I can broadcast my phone screen and looking at app reviews , e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvW0lV1LpQc. I hope I can do this and not embarrass myself. Wish me luck)))) By the way, if you know similar applications that you have already checked, please advise me.


I took some photos for a buddy of mine who’s trying to get rid of some pretty cool cars. It was fun getting back into automotive photography!


I did some tweaking and checking that involves with my PC via using the TronScript by Chris Titus in order to see what it is about, and if my system is all running good and without any remaining hidden kinks. So I gave it a try and it turns out that my rig in fact did contained some hidden issues that I didn’t know about, and that is impressive since I thought overall my rig was just working fine and didn’t experienced any issues from all of those years if use.

Glad I gave it a try for I think my rig, that is already blazing fast and smooth before using that script is much better than before and that surprises me still indeed.


On a walk with my chihuahua…


Working on the room move today, setup the JBL’s again in the other room so I have something until Tuesday when the desk arrives…


Currently on day two of trying no to kill myself in an attempt to clean up dried liquid metal on my GPU water block. Want to avoid sanding it down, but I might have to, feels like I am taking off a molecule thick layer every time I apply polishing paste atm…


Looks like a lapping job to me, with the side effect of a truly flat surface :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Duerumben,

you seem to know your way around a PC so I figured I might ask some feedback.
I did the GPU (and yes lapping was needed), and really hope I didn’t leave any plastic on the replaced thermal pads because I noticed later there are 2 plies to one side XD, but I’ll find out the hard way I guess.

I moved on to repasting the CPU and I don’t know whether or not I should keep going.

I removed some of the gunk, but I have now reached a point where I don’t exactly feel comfortable continuing to grind down. As you can the center is ever so slightly bulged, which is a good thing. If I keep going I would have to use a finger or so to maintain the bulge.

You can see on the second screen that there are some white kernels, those are not dust, but rather pits in the surface. I don’t like grinding further, but I would have to assume those will create air pockets, so not good.

On the other hand the center is the most important and there won’t be all that much heat in comparison on those gunked up areas. It might be more or less fine as is? What do you think?

Maybe go over the worst parts where it has crystallized and call it a day?

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nah wouldnt go any further, looks like youre already an the level of the screwheads so lapping will be getting really tidius
think youve done already enought so that the thermalpaste should do its job, better be save than sorry with computer parts :wink: ( looking at my cracked 6700k , where i tried to replace the paste of ihs :grimacing: XD )

PS if you really whant to go all the way give your CPU a quick sanding :stuck_out_tongue:


right, thanks. I’ll try get it down some more but only through polishing. It takes the smallest of layers, hopefully smooth out those dips just a tad.


You have this correct, getting the center is they key. While the air pockets at the edge aren’t great, the paste should fill those in.

That seems like the right call.

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Today I´ll be attending my first classical concert :star_struck:

Elaia Quartett

Will be a pleasure for ears AND eyes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What was on the program?

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They played something from Schostakovich together with a very talented girl on the piano but I can´t remeber what exatly.

That girl on the piano (Nasti Sokolova) also played “Scenes from childhood” from Schuhmann before

I quite enjoyed it and it was not my last classical concert :slight_smile:


so far? drank some eggnog and took a dump. more to follow… :wink: